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Issue with Power BI reports rendering blank... Have to click on “Reset to default”

We have to click on “Reset to default” if the screen appears blank when we launch any reports that were shared either via an App or that were shared users directly. This issue was first reported this morning. We have been up and running without this issue prior to today. This issue is unacceptable and needs to be resolved immediately. To all the other users out there experiencing this same issue, please reply to my post and also log a ticket with Microsoft. We logged a ticket at 10:30am EST and still no resolution. BTW, they have told us that no other users are experiencing this issue.
Status: Accepted
Not applicable

Same issue here.  Just started this week. This service has been stable.  Please fix so this issue doesn't erode the trust and goodwill this platform has built for my 400 users.




Advocate III

@Anonymous Exactly!!  The last thing we want is to the lose the trust of our users as well.  We have two huge initiatives going on right now and it's embarassing we have to tell the users to have to click on reset to default to get the reports to run.  We have published dozens of reports and we are not going to change each report in the service to disable the functionality!!  If you haven't already done so, open a ticket and markthe severity critical! They have been trying to get us to lower the severity because of the "workarounds" and we are standing firm and will not let them.  I think the more customers they hear from the better!!

Not applicable

We had this same issue and seem to have solved it. The problem is not browser specific or computer specific, but it seemed to affect only certain users. To fix the white page that only "reset to default" solves on each open, we unpublished the app, the republished the workbook to the PBI workspace. Then we republished the app, giving it a new app id. Seems to be working organization wide now. Good luck and I hope this helps some of you all.

Community Support

Hi all, 


I found the same issue reported internally: CRI 162571337. Please un pin all the custom visuals that are not used in the report and republish the file and see if the issue reproduces. 



Best Regards,
Qiuyun Yu

Community Support
Status changed to: Accepted
Not applicable

Hi all,


We also have the same issue, although only with some of our reports, not all. These reports did not have this issue until Wednesday morning. Using the 'Reset to default' option will allow our users to view the report, but as this will reset their filters this is highly inconvenient.


We're located in the Netherlands.

Advocate III

@v-qiuyu-msft We have an open ticket with Microsoft and your solution to unpin unused customers visuals, blah blah blah does not pertain to this. You should talk to your colleagues on this issue we are all talking about because this didn't just happen by chance when we never experienced the reset to default issue on any of our reports until the last few days. The product team is working on fixing it, testing it. Our ticket is classified as a Case A in severity!

Advocate III

@Anonymous  The reports that are experiencing the issues are the ones where you have Persistent Filters enabled.  So the reports that are NOT rendering a blank screen most like have that feature enabled.  The workaround is disabling that feature but again is unacceptable because then we are taking away from the user experience.


What's interesting is that most of our reports have have the Persistent Filters feature enabled since they rolled the feature out in 2018 and since early Wednesday morning this issue arose.  Mind you our reports have had this feature enabled and have been published and in use for many many months. 


What they keep dodging and/or are not addressing is that clearly there was some kind of recent release whether it was in O365 or to the Power BI service that is causing this issue.  We have a Class A (critical severity) ticket open with them and their product team is working on a solution.  I wish they would read/pay attention to our posts and notice this is happening in many countries around the world and not just for us in NJ (USA).

Not applicable

We have the same problem. Please fix asap!

Advocate III

According to the Microsoft support team we have been working with on this issue said they would be deploying a fix to Production today (Monday morning), but we have yet to see that yet.  I'm not sure how this change will impact you guys that are in other countries/regions around the world that are also experiencing this. Let's hope this is all resolved soon as we don't want our users to lose faith in us due to a problem that is out of our control!