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Table is not being refreshed in report view when cross filtered via slicer on the same page

I've been sharing the same report with a few dozen users for most of this year.  This last week is the first time I'm seeing this issue.


One of the table views typically will refresh as a user engages a slicer elsewhere on the page.  However, as of this last week, in the scenario where the resulting table is null (i.e. there are no resulting records under the newly selected filter context), instead of displaying an empty table as expected, the table just stays as-is (i.e. doesn't refresh).


We don't see any issue in the scenario where the resulting table is NOT empty... it refreshes properly in this case.


I don't see this issue in my Power BI Desktop version of the model, it only occurs when folks are browsing the report via the Power BI cloud service.


I stumbled across a workaround to get it to refresh... I notice that when I switch to a different report page, and then come back to the page with this issue, the tables will then be refreshed properly to show an empty table as expected.  Although this is not a good workaround since it can be cumbersome to jump back and forther between tabs simply to refresh a table.



Status: Delivered



I'm not able to repro the same issue on my side. Please refer to my recorded video below.

Since there is an update for Power BI Service today, could you please have a try again to see if issue persists on your side?

You can also try to use the refresh button on the report, or trigger a model refresh to see if it can work after that.



Best Regards,

Impactful Individual
Status changed to: Needs Info



Currently a same issue has been reported internally to Power BI Team: CRI 47089613

I’ll post here once I get any update about it.


Best Regards,

Impactful Individual
Status changed to: Accepted



This issue has been fixed now.


Best Regards,

Impactful Individual
Status changed to: Delivered