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Table Visualization does not display data columns after null in join

I am using the Table Visualization to join data from several data tables. I have encountered a situation when a field on a row fails to fetch data from a particular data table (due to no matching record), all data in remaining fields/columns in the Table Visualization fails to display. If the column with the missing data is moved to the right (i.e. farther down the field list), the data that previously did not display reappears. This can be repeated until the column with the missing data is moved to all the way to the far right and all data shows, except for the last field. It seems that the table display algorithm gives up after encountering the first field that it cannot get data for.


I see the same behavior in Power BI desktop and the service.

Status: New
Community Support

@MetroMartin ,


I'm confused on your description about "moved to all the way to the far right and all data shows", could you share more details about that?



Jimmy Tao

Frequent Visitor

Jimmy, (@v-yuta-msft)

I was referring to moving the column that fails to obtain data (see "Condition Assessment" below) to the far right in the table visualization. Any field to the right of this column will not display any data. Fields to the left will. As the failing column is moved up/down the field list (left/right visually), one can see data disappear that was once displaying or reappear, depending on whether it is to the left or right of the failing column. If the failing column is moved to the far right side of the visualization (last in the field list), all fields will display, except the data in the failing field.


Bug 1A.PNGThe field Condition Assessment is from a joined table. The two rows circled do not have a record in the table containing condition assessments. The fields Est. Date of Condition Assessment and Primary Mode display when they are to the left of Condition Assessment.





Bug 1.PNGHowever the fields Est. Date of Condition Assessment and Primary Mode do not display when they are to the right of the field Condition Assessment. The failure to display data is only on the row that does not have a record in the right half of the join from the table of condition assessments.




I hope this explains the issue better. I don't think this behavior is correct and hope it can be resolved. If there are further questions, please post them.



Martin Batistelli

Community Support

@MetroMartin ,


Do you mean the senario is to drag columns from two tables to a table visual in different sequence? I have made a test but could not reproduce your issue. Could you share a sample file?



Jimmy Tao

Frequent Visitor


What is the best way to share a file here? I have prepared a sample.



Martin Batistelli

Community Support

@MetroMartin ,


You could upload the sample file to onedrive and share the file link here.



Jimmy Tao

Frequent Visitor


Thank you for taking a look at the file. 

One only need move the column Condition Assessment to a different order in the field list to see the problem. Scroll down and look at the 4 rows starting with Facility ID = 5538. For example, move Condition Assessment above the fields Lat and Long and the data in Lat and Long will no longer display, but it is there. Move Condition Assessment below Primary Mode and the data for Primary Mode will appear.


The link to the sample file is 



Martin Batistelli

Community Support

@MetroMartin ,


Thank you for providing specific info. I have reproduced this issue and have reported internally, will update here when I got any response.



Jimmy Tao

Frequent Visitor


Thank you for examining this issue. I hope to see a correction soon.



Martin Batistelli

Frequent Visitor

Has this bug been scheduled for correction?