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Queries run twice



I have observed that every query that we write in power BI runs twice, even from power BI service. This does not sound good for bigger dashboards with more data. 


The max execution time for any query is 120 minutes. However, as the query run twice, it leaves user with 60 minutes. 

Status: Delivered
Frequent Visitor



I have a question related to import data setting with Azure SQL dw as a source. 


I have muliple queries in my data set , and what i have observred is all these queries run twice before completion and hence some times they fail due to timeout..

Is this is by behavior ? Is there is any way to make it run only once ? And why does it run two times? 







Could you please provide a simple sample to us? And from which tool or something else do you see that every query runs twice?


Best Regards,

Impactful Individual
Status changed to: Needs Info
Frequent Visitor



I am checking from azure portal monitoring option as from sql server. Here is an example. In my dashboard, I have 10 queries. When I resfresh data set from power BI portal and check in azure monitoring as well as SQL server I can see queries running. However, After all queries are executed once, I can see they all re run with different QIDs. 


See below.. The query text is exactly same for first two queries and start time is different. 



Same Query Running twice.PNG






It seems that I cannot repro the same issue on my side. I tried to refresh both on Desktop and Service, but I only get a QID for each action as below.


Queries run twice_1.jpg


I suggest you to create a support ticket at (see bottom of page).
If issue is resolved, you can share the solution here later to help others who have the same problem.


Alerts are not creating. It stays forever loading..gif


Best Regards,

Impactful Individual
Status changed to: Delivered
New Member

Same problem.  It is avery severe issue.  We are already pulling a lot of data, this is making the load of this tool on our database twice as bad.  It happens when we write a query (not when we click on a table and go from there).   

Not applicable

Same problem here! PowerBi executes three times my query, I'm using odbc connection to a redshift database, did someone find the solution?

New Member

I have the same problem when calling an API via Web.Contents(). I checked with Fiddler: every query is executed twice with the exact same parameters.

Not applicable

I also have the same problem. I've tried both for MySQL and Snowflake and the same result. All queries run twice.