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Problems with Syncing Slicers on settings page

I am trying to create a report which has a settings page with slicers for the date range of the data to return to different pages (One month, quarterly, annually etc) but when I try to sync them to the different report pages, they end up cross-syncing and not just applying to the intended pages. I have also tried moving the slicers to dedicated pages and only applying to a single other page, but I can't get them to work. Is it possible to have multiple sliders for the same field apply to different pages? I'm also having issues now adding separate slicers for the date range on different report pages as they are setting themselves to apply to more than just the page they are on.

Status: Needs Info
Community Support

Hi @SimonGick,


Would you please share a issued pbix file with dummy data with us? You can upload the pbix file to your OneDrive and share the link here. 


Best Regards,
Qiuyun Yu 

Impactful Individual
Status changed to: Needs Info
New Member

Hi Qiuyun,


Sadly I can't share the data as it is confidential and I was hoping that other people would be having this issue and that there was a fix for it. I have seen some articles where remvoing all sliders and starting again has fixed the problem, but this solution has not worked for me.


I will create the report again with dummy data to see if the issue occurs and will post accordingly.

