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Error in SQL server SSL Certificate Connection Since February '24 Release

Since the Power BI Feb 2024 release, all of the reports in our workspaces have had this SSL error: "The server name provided does not match the server name on the SQL Server SSL certificate ... " Everything was working fine and then all of a sudden this error showed up across our workspaces

Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 9.37.14 AM.png


Some notes and highlights:

  • We use Azure sql databases
  • No credentials were changed before this error occured and none have changed since
    • I have double checked the credentials and the server names match both in the desktop and in the service
  • The error occurs both on desktop and in the service
  • We connect through a sql privatelink ( and use a VNET data gateway
    • That gateway has not changed
  • We tried disconnecting from the VNET data gateway and using an on-prem gateway, no luck connecting either
  • We can connect to our Azure sql dbs with any other method
    • directly in SSMS
    • through excel
    • In web apps we use

Any idea what could be going on?


Thank you!

Status: Accepted

Hi @Jlindsey00 

We have seen on the internal platform that other engineers have reported this issue and submitted it. 

The engineers on the product team are now aware and will do their best to resolve the issue. I will update here if there is any progress, so please be patient!


Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Ailsa Tao

Resolver III

I am also seeing this same issue with the February desktop release. I installed a previous version of desktop and everything works just fine.

Regular Visitor

Thanks @jmalone , that worked for us! Installed Dec '23 version and we are able to refresh our reports in desktop.



Community Support
Status changed to: Accepted

Hi @Jlindsey00 

We have seen on the internal platform that other engineers have reported this issue and submitted it. 

The engineers on the product team are now aware and will do their best to resolve the issue. I will update here if there is any progress, so please be patient!


Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Ailsa Tao

Helper I

Same problem here. February release shows a problem with the connection to sqlserver. Installing the December version helped.

New Member

Here as well, the Dec '23 update resolved the problem for us. Experienced the issue with SQL server on-prem and in AWS RDS.


For those looking for the previous version, you can find it in this Microsoft article at the bottom of the December 2023 Update section:

Helper V
Frequent Visitor

I also have the same issue/error message when connecting to an SQL Endpoint from a Lakehouse. Using the same endpoint, I can connect in Power BI desktop from my home office, but not able to connect to SQL endpoint at work with the same user.
At work, I was able to connect to this Enpoint in SSMS when ticking of Trusted Certificate.

Just tried it, so don't know if it is was an issue before February.

Advocate I
Wanted to add that we received a fix from MS. We were getting "certificate chain not trusted" errors on servers for Power BI Reports that previosuly worked no issue, no change anywhere.

Documented here, search "PBI_SQL_TRUSTED_SERVERS":

Can confirm after 3 days of trial and error, adding this environment variable (PBI_SQL_TRUSTED_SERVERS) to "Environment variables for your account" with the problem server name did the trick. I did have to clear out the Connection data (File > Options and Settings > Data source settings - select DB and Clear Permissions). Then add the data source back.

Adding this to all the top Google hits to hopefully save others the pain.

New Member

Stil facing this issue and the TRUSTED SERVERS change worked, but only for datasets; for our dataflows it did not help and those are still failing with same error.  Does anyone have update on when a solution would be available? or when March update would be available for Gateway?

Regular Visitor

@deanj20 thank you for sharing. That doc helped us fix this error. We didn't have to update the PBI desktop data sources, but we did have to restart the gateway after updating the config file and environmental variables.

