We are uploading .pbix files to OneDrive for Business and connecting to them through PowerBI web. The .pbix files use custom-build OData-feeds (with HTTP Basic-Auth) as data-sources. We've been succesfully utilizing these OData-Feeds for about a year now. However, since about 2 weeks ago, all scheduled refreshes started failing due to authentication errors. Here's an example: Last refresh failed: Wed Dec 21 2016 16:23:53 GMT+0100 (W. Europe Standard Time) There was an error when processing the data in the dataset. Data source type: Processing error: The credentials provided for the OData source are invalid. (Source at https://<<confidential>>) Cluster URI: WABI-NORTH-EUROPE-redirect.analysis.windows.net Activity ID: 8bcea2d2-063d-4f37-afed-96bb38b16ff7 Request ID: c6a1d89a-1c74-5aa2-4110-b82e3242475a Time: 2016-12-21 15:23:53Z When looking at the server-logs, I can confirm that PowerBI sends the wrong credentials in the "Authorization" HTTP-header. I'm unable to determine the exact nature of the authentication payload, but it looks like a OneDrive authentication-flow. Furthermore, PowerBI consistantly sends invalid credentials for a certain type of feed and always on the request after the pagination of the feed has been exhausted, therefore making it quite clear that this is a bug. If the support for PowerBI Web gets in touch, I can provide exact steps to reproduce the Issue, including the offending sources, credentials and server logs. Thanks alot! Cheers
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