I’m having serious troubles working with DAX there are several functions that aren’t working properly, I send you 4 different calculations with the same fields (the fields are in the same table) that Surprisingly Works good with Multiplication Arithmetic Operation but failds with Sum, the problem that I’ve found it’s that SQL statements generated by powerbi are not well generated, here I attach one example that Works * Arithmetic Operation and other sql that fails + Arithmetic operation. I also found the same problem with divide and with - arithmetic operation. I belive that the problems resides in the engine which is in charge of generation the sql statement, I really don't understand why generates diferent SQL statement when the only diferent thing is the arithmetic operation that Db have to do with the fields. I’m working in DirectQuery againts a v11 Oracle database with ODAC121024_x64 driver. Case 1: Result --> WORKS PROPERLY Arithmetic operation --> Multiplication DAX Formula in Powerbi--> Calc_test = '10x10_CONTEOPIEZAS_APRENDIZAJE'[PESO_APRENDIDO]*'10x10_CONTEOPIEZAS_APRENDIZAJE'[PESO_METRO_APRENDIDO] SQL Statement that powerbi generates : Work properly SELECT SUM ( "t1"."Calc_test" ) "a0" FROM ( ( SELECT "t1"."ID_LOTE" "ID_LOTE", ("t1"."PESO_APRENDIDO" * "t1"."PESO_METRO_APRENDIDO") "Calc_test" FROM ( (select "$Table"."ID_LOTE" as "ID_LOTE", "$Table"."FECHA_HORA" as "FECHA_HORA", "$Table"."PIEZAS_PESADAS" as "PIEZAS_PESADAS", "$Table"."PIEZAS_AL_BOOKING" as "PIEZAS_AL_BOOKING", "$Table"."PIEZAS_AL_CARRO" as "PIEZAS_AL_CARRO", "$Table"."CODIGO_RECOGIDA" as "CODIGO_RECOGIDA", "$Table"."PESO_METRO_APRENDIDO" as "PESO_METRO_APRENDIDO", "$Table"."VELOCIDAD_APRENDIDA" as "VELOCIDAD_APRENDIDA", "$Table"."PESO_APRENDIDO" as "PESO_APRENDIDO", "$Table"."CORTE_APRENDIDO" as "CORTE_APRENDIDO", "$Table"."CONTEO_PESO" as "CONTEO_PESO", "$Table"."CONTEO_LONGITUD" as "CONTEO_LONGITUD", "$Table"."FECHA_ULTIMO_APRENDIZAJE" as "FECHA_ULTIMO_APRENDIZAJE" from "POWERBI"."10x10_CONTEOPIEZAS_APRENDIZAJE" "$Table") ) "t1" ) "t1" left outer join (select "_"."ID_LOTE" as "ID_LOTE", "_"."FECHA_HORA" as "FECHA_HORA", ("_"."CODIGO" || '-') || "_"."VERSION_NUMBER" as "CODIGO_VERSION", "_"."VERSION_NUMBER" as "VERSION_NUMBER", "_"."CODIGO" as "CODIGO", "_"."STATUS" as "STATUS", "_"."ID_MAQUINA" as "ID_MAQUINA", "_"."TIEMPO_ESPERA" as "TIEMPO_ESPERA" from "POWERBI"."10x10_LOTES" "_") "t3" on ( "t1"."ID_LOTE" = "t3"."ID_LOTE" ) ) WHERE ( ("t3"."FECHA_HORA" < TO_DATE('2017-03-04 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:Mi:SS')) AND ("t3"."FECHA_HORA" >= TO_DATE('2017-02-02 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:Mi:SS')) ) Case 2: Result -->Return exception ORA-00904 invalid identifier Arithmetic operation -->Sum Dax Formula in powerbi --> Calc_test = '10x10_CONTEOPIEZAS_APRENDIZAJE'[PESO_APRENDIDO]+'10x10_CONTEOPIEZAS_APRENDIZAJE'[PESO_METRO_APRENDIDO] SQL Statement that powerbi generates : in red the part of SQl code that throws the exception ORA-00904 SELECT SUM ( "t1"."Calc_test" ) "a0" FROM ( ( SELECT "t1"."ID_LOTE" "ID_LOTE", (SELECT COALESCE(AuxTableOut.Op1 + AuxTableOut.Op2, AuxTableOut.Op1Casted, AuxTableOut.Op2Casted) FROM (Select Op1, AuxTable.Op2 AS Op2, AuxTable.Op1 AS Op1Casted, AuxTable.Op2 AS Op2Casted FROM (SELECT "t1"."PESO_APRENDIDO" AS Op1, "t1"."PESO_METRO_APRENDIDO" AS Op2 FROM DUAL) AuxTable) AuxTableOut) "Calc_test" FROM ( (select "$Table"."ID_LOTE" as "ID_LOTE", "$Table"."FECHA_HORA" as "FECHA_HORA", "$Table"."PIEZAS_PESADAS" as "PIEZAS_PESADAS", "$Table"."PIEZAS_AL_BOOKING" as "PIEZAS_AL_BOOKING", "$Table"."PIEZAS_AL_CARRO" as "PIEZAS_AL_CARRO", "$Table"."CODIGO_RECOGIDA" as "CODIGO_RECOGIDA", "$Table"."PESO_METRO_APRENDIDO" as "PESO_METRO_APRENDIDO", "$Table"."VELOCIDAD_APRENDIDA" as "VELOCIDAD_APRENDIDA", "$Table"."PESO_APRENDIDO" as "PESO_APRENDIDO", "$Table"."CORTE_APRENDIDO" as "CORTE_APRENDIDO", "$Table"."CONTEO_PESO" as "CONTEO_PESO", "$Table"."CONTEO_LONGITUD" as "CONTEO_LONGITUD", "$Table"."FECHA_ULTIMO_APRENDIZAJE" as "FECHA_ULTIMO_APRENDIZAJE" from "POWERBI"."10x10_CONTEOPIEZAS_APRENDIZAJE" "$Table") ) "t1" ) "t1" left outer join (select "_"."ID_LOTE" as "ID_LOTE", "_"."FECHA_HORA" as "FECHA_HORA", ("_"."CODIGO" || '-') || "_"."VERSION_NUMBER" as "CODIGO_VERSION", "_"."VERSION_NUMBER" as "VERSION_NUMBER", "_"."CODIGO" as "CODIGO", "_"."STATUS" as "STATUS", "_"."ID_MAQUINA" as "ID_MAQUINA", "_"."TIEMPO_ESPERA" as "TIEMPO_ESPERA" from "POWERBI"."10x10_LOTES" "_") "t3" on ( "t1"."ID_LOTE" = "t3"."ID_LOTE" ) ) WHERE ( ("t3"."FECHA_HORA" < TO_DATE('2017-03-04 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:Mi:SS')) AND ("t3"."FECHA_HORA" >= TO_DATE('2017-02-02 00:00:00', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:Mi:SS')) )
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