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SVG not loading in gallery (works in Desktop)


I created the following DAX measure to produce an SVG image:


Calc Red X = "data&colon;image/svg+xml;utf8, <svg xmlns=''
 width='19.000000px' height='19.000000px' viewBox='0 0 32.000000 30.000000'
 preserveAspectRatio='xMidYMid meet'>
<g transform='translate(0.000000,30.000000) scale(0.100000,-0.100000)'
fill='#FD625E' stroke='none'>
<path d='M55 240 c-3 -5 12 -29 34 -52 l40 -43 -42 -42 c-32 -34 -38 -46 -29
-55 9 -9 20 -4 50 25 21 20 42 37 48 37 6 0 25 -16 44 -35 19 -19 40 -35 47
-35 24 0 13 34 -24 72 l-37 38 37 38 c63 65 41 89 -24 26 l-37 -36 -31 22
c-16 13 -32 29 -35 37 -6 15 -32 18 -41 3z'/>



I have set the Data Category to Image URL. This works great in desktop, but the images won't load on the service.





Status: Accepted
Community Support

Hi @Anonymous,


If I open your pbix file in Power BI desktop version 2.63.3272.40461 and publish the report to service, the red X image displays fine, please update your desktop to the same version as ours then republish the report to test again. 




Best Regards,
Qiuyun Yu 

Not applicable



Works in Chrome only.....  Empty image in Edge and broken link in IE.






Community Support

Hi @Anonymous,


I have reported this issue internally: CRI 89897572. Will update here once I get any information. 


Best Regards,
Qiuyun Yu 

Community Support
Status changed to: Accepted
Community Support

Hi @Anonymous,


I got information below: 


I modified the SVG until it worked in Edge and IE - looks like Microsoft browsers don't support use of the preserveAspectRatio SVG attribute within an image src tag. The red X seems to render fine without preserveAspectRatio.


Best Regards,
Qiuyun Yu 

Not applicable

Thank you. @v-qiuyu-msft

Not applicable

Hi @v-qiuyu-msft  - I'm having pretty much exactly the same error.  I have an SVG which works fine on Desktop.  Up until a couple of days ago it also worked fine on Service.  However, now on Service it shows a broken image icon as below.  




I have updated Desktop to the latest February update (2.66.5376.2161 19.02 x64) and re-published to Service and it's still not working there.


The measure which generates the SVG is as follows:

Chart - Current =
var BackGrndPercentValue = IF([Percent - Current] >.9999, .9999, [Percent - Current])
var BackGrndPercent = BackGrndPercentValue * 360
var BackGrndCirclePercent = 180 - BackGrndPercent
var BackGrndShortDistance = if(BackGrndCirclePercent < 0, 1,0)
var BackGrndRadians = RADIANS(BackGrndCirclePercent)
var BackGrndXArcEnd = sin(BackGrndRadians)
var BackGrndYArcEnd = cos(BackGrndRadians)
var colour = [Colour - Current]
var PercentValue = ROUND(([Percent - Current]*100),0)
    viewBox='-1 -1 2 2.25'>
    <path d='M 0 -1 A 1 1 0 " & BackGrndShortDistance & " 1 " & BackGrndXArcEnd & " " & BackGrndYArcEnd & " L 0 0 z' fill='rgb( " & colour & ")'></path><text x='-0.35' y='0.15' font-size='0.4' font-family='Segoe UI'>" & PercentValue & "% </text>




Regards, David


p.s. I don't think it's too relevant, but the SVG image it generates is a pie chart with text showing the percentage in front of it, as follows:



Regular Visitor


i have some problem relate SVG image.

I use Image visual(red circle in the picture below) to show SVG image, it works well in Power BI destop.

But when i publish in Power BI Service, it is not display.

Detail is below.

Please help me!




SVG in Power BI service.PNG


SVG in power BI destop.PNG


Thank you,


Advocate V

I am also having the exact same error, as mentioned above. 

Regular Visitor

Hi Community,


SVG in Power BI service.PNGSVG in power BI destop.PNG


Thank you for showing us about svg image measure by Image( Cloud Scope). I use it and it works well in Power BI Destop. But the image is not display in Power BI service when i publish them. Do you know why? Thank you very much!