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Problems with native connection Google Big Query



I have a problems with a connection between PowerBI and Google Big Query. 


After validate my credentials, I recived the message:


"ERROR [HY000] [Microsoft][DriverSupport] (1120) SSL verification failed because the server host name specified for the connection does not match the "CN" entry in the "Subject" field or any of the "DNS Name" entries of the "Subject Alternative Name" field in the server certificate."

What I can do?


Status: New
Community Support

@Anonymous ,


As the error message mentioned, you may input incorrect host name. Please check if the credentials you have input is correct.



Jimmy Tao

Not applicable

Actually I am facing the same problem. The input credentials are correct, since they are the same ones that I use to log into bigquery directly.

Not applicable

exact same issue, tried two different BigQuery accounts and both failed the same way.


There is no way (that I can see) to edit the OOTB PowerBI Google BigQuery connection .

Frequent Visitor

I am having the same error. Are there any solutions to this?

Not applicable

same issue. The hostname is correct (or at least cannot be controlled by the user) as it is using the out of the box connector that Power BI provides natively. That connector only asks for you to sign into your google account - which I can do so successfully - but the error gets thrown when it tries to surface the objects that the user has access to. My user has GCP admin access and can create and destroy BigQuery tables so would think I would be able to consume from them as well. 

Not applicable

Found a work-around (solution) for my error in PBI desktop connecting to BigQuery... Disclaimer: this is deactivating corporate-enabled software, so proceed at your own risk.


Solution steps:

- Exit Zscaler (from system tray icon > right-click icon > Exit Zscaler)

- Reattempt the PBI::BigQuery and it works no problem


Permanent fix: I requested IT to update zscaler to whitelist this connection... for an officially supported solution.


zscaler icon>




Regular Visitor

@jbrus  thanks for the information ,i got the same error. Resolved by  rename  replace the organisaction Zscalar certificate ( you can check with your organisation IT team, they will give your organization certificate with .pem extention ) in the path "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Power BI Desktop\bin\ODBC Drivers\Simba Google BigQuery ODBC Driver"  with the same name in certificate name in ODBC driver path ( cacerts.pem)  now i am able to connect the Biq query but not fectching more that 10000 rows throwing some storage api error if more that 10000 rows. any suggesions for this error?

Not applicable

@TatiparthiKiran : appreciate the certificate solution detail.


As for the row limit it's hard to say for sure. This is likely more work-around vs solution, but I tend to rely on DirectQuery vs Import for BigQuery and haven't had any errors (yet). 

Regular Visitor

it is working fine with Direct query, only problem occuring when using import method, seems some problem with storage api related at big query side(Not sure exact issue), i am trying to resolve that as well ,once done will keep update here