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Power BI Power Automate button, calling flow which performs DAX query not returning all columns.


With a Power Automate flow triggered from a POwer BI screen, I issue a Power BI Query, get the results and write to a CSV File.

An example is: 

Power BI: Power Automate button executing flow which executes DAX query on Power BI dataset - not returning all columns.



FILTER(Master,[Serial Number] IN {"621927000017","621927000018","621927000021","621927000022","721927000015","721927000016","721927000017","721927000018","721927000019","721927000020"}
&& [End Customer NAGP] = "24/7 Inc.")

Notice that I dont pass a list of columns since I want all columns.

When I execute this, it is not writing some columns. It should not be size as this only produces about 10 rows (250 columns).

When I execute this with DAX Studio, it works perfectly.

Also, this does not happen with every instance of the flow - but always happens on the same query instance.

Status: Needs Info

Hi @tnhurst57 

Can you provide the exact steps to set up automate? Also ,you mentioned that it always happens on the same query instance , is this query this one you mentioned above?


Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Ailsa Tao


Community Support
Status changed to: Needs Info

Hi @tnhurst57 

Can you provide the exact steps to set up automate? Also ,you mentioned that it always happens on the same query instance , is this query this one you mentioned above?


Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Ailsa Tao


New Member

So the query I provided has no columns specified as I want all columns. When I do the Power BI Query, I first create the query statement with Set Variable and use the variable as the Query statement in the Power BI line. To test, I went back into the flow after it executed, copied the statement directly out of the flow Input section and paste it into Dax Studio. With Power BI, I am missing columns. With DAX Studio all columns are retrieved.

Here is where I setup the variable and execute the Power BI Query:

"inputs": {
"name": "MQuery",
"value": "Evaluate\nFILTER(Master,[Serial Number] IN {@{variables('SerialQuery')}}\n && [End Customer NAGP] = \"@{items('Create_Master_Query')?['End Customer NAGP']}\")"
"metadata": {
"operationMetadataId": "a9b06e75-b960-4bbb-ace0-8d34716ec38f"
"inputs": {
"host": {
"connectionName": "shared_powerbi",
"operationId": "ExecuteDatasetQuery",
"apiId": "/providers/Microsoft.PowerApps/apis/shared_powerbi"
"parameters": {
"groupid": "b0462676-d6bc-4217-b1f6-0b44ea160ea7",
"datasetid": "bf3449bc-2572-48a0-ab93-d9f4968d5c30",
"specification/query": "@variables('MQuery')",
"specification/serializerSettings/includeNulls": false
"authentication": {
"type": "Raw",
"value": "@json(decodeBase64(triggerOutputs().headers['X-MS-APIM-Tokens']))['$ConnectionKey']"
"metadata": {
"operationMetadataId": "d9cfc537-401c-4a76-abf5-7ccecabdaca7"