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Parquet file locked after importing into Power BI Desktop

After importing a parquet file into Power BI desktop, the file remains locked. The file cannot be changed or deleted. Same beahviour after refreshing data from Power BI. The only solution is to close Power BI.  Then, the lock on the file is released.

It seems to be a bug in the Parquet importer: it does not close the source file after reading it and the file remains open and locked.


I need to replace the file and reimport data into PowerBI.  I would like to do it wihtout completely closing and reopening Power BI every time.


Errore trying to delete/rewrite the file from Windows File Explorer:



Any workarounds?






Status: Needs Info

Hi  @fhtino 

How did you import parquet file ? Have you ever done an operation like this before? You can refer to the official documentation to do this and see if there are any problems.

Power Query Parquet connector - Power Query | Microsoft Learn


Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Ailsa Tao

Community Support
Status changed to: Needs Info

Hi  @fhtino 

How did you import parquet file ? Have you ever done an operation like this before? You can refer to the official documentation to do this and see if there are any problems.

Power Query Parquet connector - Power Query | Microsoft Learn


Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Ailsa Tao

Regular Visitor

@v-yetao1-msft  Perhpas I was not very clear.:

 - this is not the first time I import parquet files into PowerBI destkop

 - to import parquet files, I select "GetData" from the top bar, "Parquet" format, "Connet", full path to parquet file on my local disk, then OK.   The parquet file is imported without any issue, but....

 -  but.... the .parquet file remains locked. Perhaps PowerBI dekstop does not close the file properly. As my screenshot highlights, I cannot delete/rename/overwrite .parquet file on my local disk after importing into PowerBI. To solve the issue, I must close Power BI desktop.   Then, the file will be unlocked.

