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Number.Mod Bug

Number.Mod doesn't return that same than it's corrsponding functions in Excel and DAX when negative numbers are involved. I find this really bad.

Please change.


Current workaround:

(number, divisor) => if number>0 then number-Number.RoundDown(number/divisor,0) else Number.Abs(divisor)+number
Status: Accepted
Microsoft Employee



I can repro the same issue as you. I’ve reported it internally to Power BI Team: CRI 46952686
I’ll post here once I get any update about it.


Best Regards,

Impactful Individual
Status changed to: Accepted
Microsoft Employee



I’ve got response from the Product Team.


We do not intend M to copy either Excel or DAX semantics. M has its own semantics and the current behavior is by design.


Best Regards,