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Multi-row card visualization Category Label Not Appearing

In the June 2017 update if I create a Multi-Row card that only has one measure, the Category Label does not appear. As soon as I drag a second one they will render, but not until then.

Status: Needs Info



I cannot repro the same issue on my side. Please refer to following gif and let me know if there is any difference between our repro steps. Or you can share your PBIX file through online file service like OneDrive so that I can have a try with your file.


Multi-row card visualization Category Label Not Appearing_1.gif


Best Regards,

Impactful Individual
Status changed to: Needs Info
Not applicable

I'm using Version: 2.47.4766.542 64-bit (June 2017). The steps I take are to create a new table by hand with one field. Then I create two measures, one to display text and one to display Now(). If I drag just one of either measure onto the design surface and change it to a multi-row card, no category label shows up. If I drag both measures on, then it shows up.


Unfortunately I'm not in a position where I can upload a file that is public facing.

Helper I

I have this problem with a single row card ONCE it is published and sent to the dashboard. The dashboard doesn't show it. Also, the phone view on the published version doesn't show the label either.

Not applicable

same here. so weird