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In Power Query, error when merging 2 tables. datas are correct before expanding datas


Since, I updated the Version : 2.127.1080.0 64-bit (mars 2024), I have an issue when I merge 2 tables.

In my previous version (October 23), it worked. 


I have to merge 2 tables coming from dataflows.

The first table is "SAP_operations" and  the second table is "SAP_Routing". I use 3 keys : "routing_number", "routing_group", "activity_type".

When I check the first row, the results are correct : I want the index in the SAP_routing that is equal to 1


And when I expand datas, this first row shows index equals to 3.



I tried to join the 2 tables using Numbers or Text but it is the same issue.



Is it possible to give me advices?


Status: Investigating
Not applicable

Hi @lolostudios 

Power BI Desktop has been updated to version 2.128.751.0 64-bit (April 2024), you can download the latest version and test it to check if the issue still exists.


Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Ailsa Tao

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