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BigQuery refresh timeout



We have one PowerBI dataset that takes data from Google BigQuery. As of a few weeks ago we started getting timeout errors during scheduled refresh. Some days it runs through (about 20min), other days it gives a timeout error. No regularity between errors and no errors also in Google side.

Usually the manual refresh goes through, but a few days ago when I wanted to refresh the dataset in Desktop it was stuck in load mode and never load the data. When I tried to create a new report with just one table that is ~18k rows in BQ, it showed ~99k rows during refresh and was stuck at load. 

Is there some issue with the BigQuery connector?





Status: New
Community Support

Hi @catleen ,

Simliar issue has been sumbited internal(ICM: 253715380).

Currently the temporary workaround from PG is that try to (re)configure the gatway for BigQuery refresh.


Would update here as soon as possible if there is any new progress about this issue.


Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Yingjie Li

Frequent Visitor

Hi @v-yingjl, thanks for the reply.

But cloud datasets don't need gateways. Does the workaround mean using "Basic" authentication method and Google Service account in Power BI admin center? 


Community Support

Hi @catleen ,

Yes, cloud data sources do not need gateway indeed. But you can configure a gateway for it when necessary, it is optional.



Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Yingjie Li

Regular Visitor

@v-yingjl is there any documentation around when the decision to use the Gateway should be employed?

Frequent Visitor

Hi @v-yingjl!

Has there been any update on the issue?

We have been trying the scheduled refresh with the Gateway and sometimes we still get a timeout error. 

Before the data import for finished, its data source timed out. Double-check whether that data source can process import queries, and if it can, try again.  


Not applicable

Hi all,


I have a similar problem: timeout when I'm trying to refresh or when I'm trying to connect to a specific BG table (infinite loading at ~99k rows).


Any news about how to solve this issue (other than using the gateway) ?


Thank you!