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ArcGIS map

My visual used to work just fine. I think the recent update messed something up, because my custom colors keep reverting to default whenever I interact with the other slicers or other visuals on the page.

Status: Investigating

Hi @jordynd 


May I know how you custom the colors for the ArcGIS map? Did you set it by Themes pane or by using Conditional format with a measure?




Best Regards,

Community Support Team _Caiyun

Community Support
Status changed to: Investigating

Hi @jordynd 


May I know how you custom the colors for the ArcGIS map? Did you set it by Themes pane or by using Conditional format with a measure?




Best Regards,

Community Support Team _Caiyun

Regular Visitor

Hi @v-cazheng-msft,

I have tried changing colors by using the themes pane, but this results in everything on the page except for the map to be changed. My colors are based on categories, so there are 5 different color categories and I change the color by expanding map tools on the map itself > layers > choose the ellipsis next to my desired layer > symbology > Type and Size Style options > Types style options > then select each color and fill to match it's color category on the rest of the page.

Community Support

Hi @jordynd 


Not sure about the cause and I can't repro your issue at my side. Please consider opening a support ticket for further help. There will be a support engineer help you on your issue. 

How to create a support ticket in Power BI - Microsoft Power BI Community


Best Regards,

Community Support Team _Caiyun