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misplaced X-Axis Constant line

Whenener I add an X-Axis Constant Line to a line chart with dates on X-axis, the constant line is placed a half-day ahead

constant line after creationconstant line after creation

If I change the date of an existing constant line, it will be put in a proper place

constant line after date changeconstant line after date change


Any idea why?


Status: Delivered
Not applicable

Hi @DimitriM 

This issue has been fixed in Auguest version of PBI Desktop . You can update your Desktop to the latest version . 


Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Ailsa Tao

Frequent Visitor

Hi @Anonymous ,

Thanks a lot for your response!

I've got version 2.108.603.0 64-bit (August 2022) and the problem is still there. Do you mean any other version?

2.108.603.0 64-bit (August 2022)2.108.603.0 64-bit (August 2022)



Frequent Visitor

Hi @Anonymous

I've got September version. The problem is still there, however I noticed that the tool behaves differently (though still not correctly).

When I create an X-axis constant line, I usually select the date from the calendar (note the date below): 



However, after I click on the desired date, the X-axis constant line is created almost a day later than the selected date (but not exactly 1 day later) and the value field is updated to the next date:2022-09-15_002417.png


This never happens if I type the date in; the line is created at the exact date I enter:




Frequent Visitor



I've gor November version and the problem is still there.


Steps to reproduce the problem:

 create a line chart with dates on X-axis

 add an X-Axis Constant Line to a line chart using a calendar to specifiy the date



The X-Axis contant line will be placed approx. half-day ahead:
