hold left mouse and using the scrollwheel with grouped items causing them to disapear

Hello, if you are on the bottom of a scrollable page doing the following steps, often the visual is moving somewhere


1. new page

2. height of that page: at least 2000 pixel with width fit to page, there must be a vertical scrollbar

3. create two visuals, group them

4. put them near the to the bottom of the page might look this way


5. select one of them, hold the left mousekey and use the mousewheel upwards   


6. the visual is gone. it is moving below the 2000 pixel border.


Investigating v-xiaoyan-msft (Community Support) responded

Hi @jens_galinowski ,


Based on the above information, Due to the new reply policy, If it's a reproducible issue. I would suggest opening a Support Ticket.Ticket support engineers will take your issue back to the PG team.

If you are a Power BI Pro or Fabric licensee, you can create a support ticket for free and a dedicated Microsoft engineer will come to solve the problem for you. 
It would be great if you continue to share in this issue to help others with similar problems after you know the root cause or solution.


The link of Power BI Support: Support | Microsoft Power BI

For how to create a support ticket, please refer to How to create a support ticket in Power BI - Microsoft Power BI Community


Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Caitlyn

Community Support
Status changed to: Investigating

Hi @jens_galinowski ,


Based on the above information, Due to the new reply policy, If it's a reproducible issue. I would suggest opening a Support Ticket.Ticket support engineers will take your issue back to the PG team.

If you are a Power BI Pro or Fabric licensee, you can create a support ticket for free and a dedicated Microsoft engineer will come to solve the problem for you. 
It would be great if you continue to share in this issue to help others with similar problems after you know the root cause or solution.


The link of Power BI Support: Support | Microsoft Power BI

For how to create a support ticket, please refer to How to create a support ticket in Power BI - Microsoft Power BI Community


Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Caitlyn

Regular Visitor
Hello, thank you for your kind answer. I dont need support with this. It is just not working right. I am not going to make my way through the support/ticket loop for an UI-Issue. Foreward this Userfeedback or not, it is up to you Microsoft.