There is a bug in the relative date slicer: incorrect calendar week

There seems to be a bug in the relative date slicer. the calendar week ignores the locale setting.

I have my locale, both "global" and "current file" (and machine) set to spanish. The week should start on Monday, but the slicer sets the beggining of the week on Sunday:

spain settings.JPG



 Others are reporting the same for other locale settings (UK): 


Community Champion

The same is happening if we add a relative date filter in the filter pane (probably not surprisingly...)



Community Champion

Same issues for me. This is really quite concerning. 

/ Johannes

Community Support



There is already an idea, you may leave a comment and vote it up.


Community Champion



Thanks, I have voted for it.

Though I must say that having to vote for a bug to be fixed does feel somewhat odd...It's not a request for a new functionality/feature. It's a request to be able to use one that's already there but is useless for a considerable part of the business world. A bit like only having the $ as a currency format (the other options are there but only the $ can be displayed...)

Most Valuable Professional

FWIW it is not just slicers where locale is not being respected. US / UK Date format not displaying correctly in re... - Microsoft Power BI Community 


I agree we should not be voting for a bug to be squashed.