Scorecard Metrics not Staying Up to Date

Hello Support,


I am hoping someone can help me solve a recent issue with my scorecards. Starting 3/7/23 my scorecard goals are not staying updated with the linked reports. 

I have multiple Metrics linked directly to reports. 


The scorecards are no longer auatomatically updating. I have to manually update them by refreshing the connection to the report. Even though the report is automatically refreshing



I have both the report and scorecard data sets set to automatically updated multiple times a day. And despite those occuring without errors the data in the scorecard is not updating. This is causing issues with our performance KPIs.



I have not changed anything in either report to cause the changes. I have even added new goals that are also not updating. 

Delivered v-yanjiang-msft (Community Support) responded

Hi @kaylastarr ,

Seems the issue was resolved, please try again in your side.


Best regards,

Community Support Team_yanjiang

Helper II

It's been working normally for the last week and a half for me.

Helper III

I still experience this problem now and then, anyone else as well?

Advocate I

Since mid Mar, I've the same problem, Power BI is refreshed correctly but the dashboard/subscription email randomly shows outdated data. Have tried to update to the latest Power BI desktop, re-do dashboards but no use. The problem may still occur even if I manually refresh the dashboard.


Tech support suggest to login into incognito mode and it seems ok but I feel that's not going to work because I need correct info in the email subscription. Hope more people who face this problem would report the issue and make Microsoft aware of it. Thanks!

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No change here either. Had to manually refresh today. I have an open case with support. They have taken logs, etc. I'm not sure if all cases are the same but mine seem to be related to a false refresh history in the Dataset. There's nothing in the refresh history, yet the data is refreshing fine every day like it's supposed to. Similarly, reports say they were last refreshed weeks ago, but it isn't true. They're bang up to date.

Community Support
Status changed to: Delivered

Hi @kaylastarr ,

Seems the issue was resolved, please try again in your side.


Best regards,

Community Support Team_yanjiang

Frequent Visitor

I've checked this morning and it is still not resolved. I have to manuallt refresh the dataset for it to work even though the dataset has been refreshed via api already.

Regular Visitor

Works stable on our side since March.

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Still not working for us. Case still open. Support gone quiet over it.

Advocate I

Same for me, the refresh problem still persists even though I manually refresh. The data sometimes just go back to an old version.


Communicated with tech support with support ticket but they can't really do anything about it because it's not a local software/hardware problem that can be solved by updating. Have asked whether they can contact Microsoft backend engineers but they don't seem to have a way to do that and I feel super helpless but to keep getting the problem everyday. Frustrating! 

Advocate I
Advocate I

Our support rep referred us to the documentation on inactive refreshes: 

"This is the explanation why scheduled refresh become inactive:"


The documentation says that views are determined by dashboards and reports. It doesn't say anything about scorecards.


"After two months of inactivity, scheduled refresh on your dataset is paused. A dataset is considered inactive when no user has visited any dashboard or report built on the dataset. When scheduled refresh is paused, the dataset owner is sent an email. The refresh schedule for the dataset is then displayed as disabled. To resume scheduled refresh, revisit any dashboard or report built on the dataset."


From this documentation it would appear that viewing scorecards may not count as views of the datasets, and that yes, someone would need to periodically view a report or dashboard based on the original underlying dataset AND a report or dashboard based on the scorecard datasets.