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Sankey Data Flow changes when published on Power BI Service online

I am using Sankey Chart along with additional labels on top of the chart to display the numbers. When in desktop version, it looks like below :


 Now, the issue is when we publish the visual on the power BI service, the data flow changes and looks like below:



If you look closely, thick band on top ( in above figure ) shifts to bottom in below visual and so are other bands.


Due to this, labels that I created on desktop visual wont correspond to its tital anymore. Does anyone with the same issue? 

We tried using SankeyWith Label chart, but the formatting does not stay after saving and it goes back to original unformatted way. 


Please help. TIA


Status: Accepted



I tried to test with Sankey with Labels but cannot repro the issue. What actions did you do for the formatting? If possible, could you please provide a PBIX file which can be used to repro? You can upload it to online file service (e.g. OneDrive) and share it. Make sure you’ve removed the sensitive data before sharing.


Best Regards,


Impactful Individual
Status changed to: Needs Info
Regular Visitor

Thanks for the response  @v-haibl-msft & @Vicky_Song


Here is the .pbix file along with sample dataset. Please, note that I am woring with Sankey Chart and NOT SankeyWithLabels ( which has different issue of formatting/moving of the data point wont stay).


Here my issue is the data flow band changes its position on desktop Vs and that messes up my txt labels that shows weight of those bands.


Here is the link to my pbix file & source data.!Aif7WuD3otSogQa7A9oYUV-BidoL








Thanks for your files. I can repro the same issue as you now. I’ve reported it internally to Power BI Team: CRI 29556567

I’ll post here once I get any update about it.


Best Regards,


Impactful Individual
Status changed to: Accepted