Power BI Desktop not starting with WebView2 due to code-injection

Power BI is experiencing a problem with starting WebView2 due to code-integrity issues. This is normally due to anti-virus or some other software on the device interfering with Webview2. 
To verify this problem, add WEBVIEW2_ADDITIONAL_BROWSER_ARGUMENTS to the User environment variables and set the value to "--disable-features=RendererCodeIntegrity" and try running desktop. If it works, then you have a code injection problem. Delete the Environment Variable you have set above and disable any software that might be interfering or provide an exemption for the WebView2 process.


In order to identify what is interfering with WebView2, we would need your help to get some information from your device. If you are willing to help out, please contact us at pbidesktopwebview2issues@service.microsoft.com or reply to this post. 


Known softwares which cause code-injection problems in WebView: 

  • Symantec Endpoint Protection
  • PC Matic
  • Print Audit
  • Palo Alto Traps

For Symantec, please update to version 14.3 or above. This should fix the issue. 

Accepted v-yingjl (Community Support) responded

Thanks for your sharing about checking WebView2 issue in Power BI Desktop, it would help others who may have the same issue on the commnunity.


If anyone wants to help on this issue, you can contact the above e-mail or reply to this post.


Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Yingjie Li

Community Support
Status changed to: Accepted

Thanks for your sharing about checking WebView2 issue in Power BI Desktop, it would help others who may have the same issue on the commnunity.


If anyone wants to help on this issue, you can contact the above e-mail or reply to this post.


Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Yingjie Li

Regular Visitor

I have the same Power BI Desktop lauching issue. I tried the environment and it worked. 

But I don't know what caused the injection. 


Frequent Visitor

Hi  @v-yingjl having this issue. 


My laptop gets stuck on the logo splash screen and my colleagues will wont open and gets this error.


We are using webroot endpoint protection.