Fuzzy Nested Join is throwing error when refreshed on Power BI Service

Hi There,


I have used Fuzzy Merge to join two data sets in Power Bi Desktop and everything went well. The refresh was also successful in Power Bi desktop.


However, the dataset refresh on the Power BI service is failing with the below error: 


Data source errorThe import Table.FuzzyNestedJoin matches no exports. Did you miss a module reference?. The exception was raised by the IDbCommand interface. 


Please advise ?




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What is the data source of your Power BI report? Could you please share sample data of the source tables and describe the steps you take in Power BI Desktop query editor? I will test it on my side.


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Hi @v-yuezhe-msft  - I'm having the exact same issue with a fuzzy merge.  The data sources in my case are:


'Users' query - from an SQL server.

'AD Users' query - from Active Directory.


I'm doing a fuzzy full outer join - M code as follows:

Source = Table.FuzzyNestedJoin(#"AD Users",{"Name", "Email Address"},Users,{"Name", "Email"},"Users",JoinKind.FullOuter,[IgnoreCase=true, IgnoreSpace=true, Threshold=0.6]),


Can you please investigate and advise?  I note that fuzzy merges are a Preview feature currently but presumably they should work in Service (and I need this to work so I don't have to keep manually refreshing this dataset.  Thanks


Regards, David

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Exactly same issue. Refresh works in desktop mode, but when you publish and try to refresh via the cloud version, it throws an error...


Something went wrong

Unable to connect to the data source undefined.

Please try again later or contact support. If you contact support, please provide these details.

Underlying error code: -2147467259 Table: Builder Data FM.

Underlying error message: The import Table.FuzzyNestedJoin matches no exports. Did you miss a module reference?

DM_ErrorDetailNameCode_UnderlyingHResult: -2147467259

Microsoft.Data.Mashup.ValueError.Reason: Expression.Error

Cluster URI: WABI-AUSTRALIA-SOUTHEAST-redirect.analysis.windows.net

Activity ID: 09e341c0-41b3-4334-814f-ccfba948213e

Request ID: 6b260499-e037-ee7c-eb0d-e118464881b5

Time: 2019-03-28 06:41:25Z

Advocate I

I am having the same problem.  
My sources are GoogleSheets that have been exported with an external driver called CData.  
This driver works with an ODBC connection, or so I understand.  


Advocate I

I'm also getting a refresh error on Power BI Service.  Refresh works fine from Power BI Desktop. Anybody have a solution yet?


Here's my error:


Underlying error code:-2147467259 Table: Temp Perm Match.
Underlying error message:The import Table.FuzzyNestedJoin matches no exports. Did you miss a module reference?
Cluster URI:WABI-US-NORTH-CENTRAL-redirect.analysis.windows.net
Activity ID:b8e34ea7-2afc-4f36-972f-144bacc30cd8
Request ID:d295abdd-6c01-254d-8a0a-8b73fdcd7f8e
Time:2019-11-20 16:40:13Z
Frequent Visitor

Getting the same error as of April 2020. Is this fixed in PBI Service? Is there any alternative, we are using Fuzzy merge in mutliple queries need an alternate solution or a fix.


