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Error Missing value in table with selected filter - in power bi service


One of my user is having a problem from the error of dashboard lost details from the below table as per insert picture. She's just got this error this monday. We've checked from her laptop with the basic solution such as clearing all filter, clear cache, change the web browser and even re-publish the new version of this dashboard every morning since then. Unfortunately, it still exists only to her user. 


please help for this case. I also inserted the normal case from other users for your information. thanks for your assistance in advance.


Current Problem only 1 user



Normal Case (Other Users)



Status: Investigating

Hi  @Chipsnump ,


As this is a single user issue I am unable to reproduce it, more information would be greatly appreciated.Can you make sure that this user has the correct permissions for this report? Or is RLS applied to this report?


Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Caitlyn

Community Support
Status changed to: Investigating

Hi  @Chipsnump ,


As this is a single user issue I am unable to reproduce it, more information would be greatly appreciated.Can you make sure that this user has the correct permissions for this report? Or is RLS applied to this report?


Best Regards,
Community Support Team _ Caitlyn