Date Format Without TimeStamp (DataVerse)



I am editing a report that gets data via DataVerse.  It's displayed in a tile.  However, when I changed it from one date field to another, it began displaying the timestamp along with the date.  Despite working numerous angles (Google results), I could not figure out how to change this.  It really should be as simple as the output format in a pull down (like Excel cell formatting).

Investigating v-cazheng-msft (Community Support) responded

Hi @Anonymous,


May I know whether you still have problems about date format?


Best Regards,

Community Support Team _ Caiyun

Community Support
Status changed to: Investigating

Hi @Anonymous,


Could you please check what's the data type of the replace field in the pbix file(or the report) where the tile comes from? And you could try to change the format of this field to date data type in the report and update the change to the tile.

In addition, I think you need to learn how Power BI handle the date types related to date/time. For more details, you could refer to Data types in Power BI Desktop - Power BI | Microsoft Docs.

Power BI Desktop supports five Date/Time data types in Query View. Both Date/Time/Timezone and Duration are converted during load into the model. The Power BI Desktop data model only supports date/time, but they can be formatted as dates or times independently.

  • Date/Time – Represents both a date and time value. Underneath the covers, the Date/Time value is stored as a Decimal Number Type. So you can actually convert between the two. The time portion of a date is stored as a fraction to whole multiples of 1/300 seconds (3.33 ms). Dates between years 1900 and 9999 are supported.
  • Date – Represents just a Date (no time portion). When converted into the model, a Date is the same as a Date/Time value with zero for the fractional value.
  • Time – Represents just Time (no Date portion). When converted into the model, a Time value is the same as a Date/Time value with no digits to the left of the decimal place.
  • Date/Time/Timezone – Represents a UTC Date/Time with a timezone offset. It’s converted into Date/Time when loaded into the model. The Power BI model doesn't adjust the timezone based on a user's location or locale etc. If a value of 09:00 is loaded into the model in the USA, it will display as 09:00 wherever the report is opened or viewed.
  • Duration – Represents a length of time. It’s converted into a Decimal Number Type when loaded into the model. As a Decimal Number type it can be added or subtracted from a Date/Time field with correct results. As a Decimal Number type, you can easily use it in visualizations that show magnitude.


Best Regards,

Community Support Team _ Caiyun

Community Support
Status changed to: Investigating

Hi @Anonymous,


May I know whether you still have problems about date format?


Best Regards,

Community Support Team _ Caiyun

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I am, but I think it's because whoever set up the data pull may have converted it to a string upstream.  Thus, to fix the problem would take a whole lot of time/effort.  Some more important things have come up since then, so I've not REALLY dug into it a lot more.  


That said, I'm not sure why the developer would have needed to do this (this is making the assumption that they did do something unexpected, like shifting the datatype to a string, to solve a problem that they had >1 year ago when originally setting up the Report).  


Thank you for following up!  I will post more information once I dig into the issue more.