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Can no longer open one of my PBIX files:

I can suddenly no longer open one of my reports.  The original PBIX file I have saved locally did not open, so I went to download it from the service thinking I would be able to open it, but I get the same error.  Here is the error:






Copy Details are here:


Feedback Type:
Frown (Error)


Local Time:

Session ID:

March 2020

Product Version:
2.79.5768.721 (20.03) (x64)

Stack Trace:
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Modeler.TomExtensions.GetExpectedExpression(Model model, String expressionName)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Modeler.ModelManager.EditTableSourceProperties(String tableName, String mashupExpression, String dataSourceName, String datasourceConnectionString, String dataSourceCommandText)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Modeling.SchemaChangeApplier.Visit(EditTableDefinitionSchemaChange schemaChange)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Modeling.SchemaChangeApplier.Apply(IModelManager modelManager, IEnumerable`1 changes, IRefreshPolicyUpdater refreshPolicyUpdater)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Modeling.AsyncModelAuthoringService.ModelAuthoringTransaction.<>c__DisplayClass14_1.<ExecuteChange>b__0()
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Modeling.ModelAuthoringExceptionHandler.AddModelChangeResultToExceptions(Action action, ModelChangeResult modelChangeResult)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Modeling.AsyncModelAuthoringService.ModelAuthoringTransaction.ExecuteChange(ModelChange modelChange, Boolean saveChange, ISchemaChangeApplierFactory schemaChangeApplierFactory, IRefreshPolicyUpdater refreshPolicyUpdater)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Modeling.AsyncModelAuthoringService.ExtendedModelChangeScopeBase.ExecuteChange(ModelChange modelChange, Boolean saveChange, RecalcBehavior recalcBehavior)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Modeling.PowerQueryToModelSchemaSynchronizer.ApplyQuerySchemaToModel(IModelInput modelInput, IExtendedModelChangeScope modelChangeScope, Boolean requireFullDataRefresh)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.ReportUpgrader.ChangeDataSourceToMashupExpression(Report report, IDataModel dataModel, IExtendedModelChangeScope scope, Boolean isEligibleForMashupConversion)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.ReportUpgrader.UpgradeToV3Model(Report report, IDataModel dataModel, IExtendedModelChangeScope scope)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.ReportUpgrader.TryRunV3AndLaterUpgrades(IExtendedModelChangeScope scope, ReportUpgradeResult upgradeResult, Boolean needsV3ModelUpgrade, IDataModel dataModel, Report report, Exception& exception)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.ReportUpgrader.<>c__DisplayClass3_0.<Upgrade>b__0(IExtendedModelChangeScope scope)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Modeling.AsyncModelAuthoringService.RunOutOfBandExtendedModelChange(Action`1 extendedModelChange, IAnalysisServicesDatabase analysisServicesDatabase, IModelManager modelManager, Boolean requireASDBToBeUnattached, IRefreshPolicyUpdater refreshPolicyUpdater)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.AnalysisServices.AnalysisServicesDatabaseLocal.RunOutOfBandExtendedModelChange(Action`1 extendedModelChange, IRefreshPolicyUpdater refreshPolicyUpdater)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.ReportUpgrader.Upgrade(Report report, String fileName, Version pbixFileVersion)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.ReportPreparer.UpgradeModel(Report report, IPowerBIWindowService windowService, String fileName, Version pbixFileVersion)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.ReportPreparer.Prepare(Report report, PackageValidationResult mashupResult, IPowerBIWindowService windowService, String fileName, ILuciaFeatureSwitchProxy luciaFeatureSwitchProxy, Nullable`1 entryPoint, Version pbixFileVersion)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Services.PowerBIPackagingService.Open(FileStream fileStream, IPowerBIWindowService windowService, Nullable`1 entryPoint, PowerBIPackageOpenOptions options, ReportPreparerResult& prepareResult)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Services.FileManager.<LoadFromPbix>d__20.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Services.UIBlockingService.<>c__DisplayClass15_0`1.<<BlockUIAndRun>b__0>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Services.UIBlockingService.WaitOnUIThreadForTaskCompletion(Task task)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Services.UIBlockingService.BlockUIAndRun[T](Func`1 asyncMethod)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Services.FileManager.OpenFile(IPowerBIWindowService windowService, IPbixFile fileToOpen, Nullable`1 entryPoint)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Services.FileOperationUIHandler.OpenFileInternal(IPowerBIWindowService windowService, IExceptionHandler exceptionHandler, IQueryServices queryServices, IOpenSaveUI openSaveUI, TelemetryUserActionId entryPoint, IPbixFile pbixFile, Boolean fromRecentFile)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.Services.FileOperationUIHandler.OpenLocalFile(IPowerBIWindowService windowService, IExceptionHandler exceptionHandler, IQueryServices queryServices, TelemetryUserActionId entryPoint, String filePath, Boolean fromRecentFile)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.MainWindow.OpenDocument(TelemetryUserActionId entryPoint, String testFilePath)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.MainWindow.ShowStartDialog()
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Program.<>c__DisplayClass2_6.<<Main>b__5>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.MainWindow.<<OnMainWindowInitializationCompleted>b__202_2>d.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Microsoft.PowerBI.Client.Windows.IExceptionHandlerExtensions.<HandleAwaitableAsyncExceptions>d__1.MoveNext()

OS Version:
Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.18362.0 (x64 en-US)

CLR Version:
4.7 or later [Release Number = 528040]

Peak Virtual Memory:
38.8 GB

Private Memory:
499 MB

Peak Working Set:
603 MB

IE Version:

User ID:

Workbook Package Info:
1* - en-US, Query Groups: 0, fastCombine: Disabled, runBackgroundAnalysis: True.

Telemetry Enabled:

Snapshot Trace Logs:
C:\Users\a52332\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Power BI Desktop\

Model Default Mode:

Model Version:

Is Report V3 Models Enabled:

Enabled Preview Features:

Disabled Preview Features:

Disabled DirectQuery Options:


DPI Scale:

Supported Services:
Power BI

Status: New
Community Support

Hi @Roseventura


Which data source used in this report? Did you import data to report? 


Please update your Power BI desktop to this version 2.79.5768.1082 then test again. 


Best Regards,
Qiuyun Yu

Responsive Resident
  1. I have several data sources for this report all of which are TEXT files. 
  2. Yes, I did import data into the report.
  3. The data source files do refresh the report every day without any issues.
  4. I tried making a copy of the report from the version that is on the Power BI Service.
  5. When I try to open the saved copy, I get the same error.
  6. I updated my version of Power BI Desktop to the one you suggested, but I am still not able to open any version of the file. 
  7. I have 1 live version and 4 archived versions.  I can not open ANY of them.

Something got corrupt in this report and I don't know what is causing the problem.




Community Support

Hi @Roseventura


Please run Power BI desktop as administrator then click on File-> Open to see if you are able to open the report. If the issue still occurs, I would suggest you create a support ticket to get help. 


Support Ticket.gif


Best Regards,
Qiuyun Yu

Responsive Resident

I tried opening; the file (after launching Power BI Desktop > Run as Administrator) and the file still would not open.  Same message.


I created a ticket for support.


Thanks for trying to help me.




Responsive Resident

I was able to solve this issue.  I opened the file using another computer with Power BI Desktop.  Once I was able to open the file, I discovered that there was a query that existed called "RMA 325 Customer".  There were no relationships set up for this query and I don't remember creating it, so I deleted it, saved my PBIX and was able to open the file on my original laptop.


Problem solved!

Kudo Kingpin

I see that PBI_v3Models is enabled. If this is the new metadata format, this is likely the cause. I had a function query which I used in a lot of models, and had to remove it from all of them in order to have a stable file.