Bug with "less than visualisation" filter

688.8 / 1722.00 is 0.4 (or 40%) exactly


However if I filter a visualisation by "less than 0.4" (as I have done on the right hand side of the file below) then the result of 40% is displayed in error.


The file is at https://www.dropbox.com/s/1zsqsk2hexw5rfz/Test%20-%20less%20than%20filter%20being%20treated%20as%20l... 


Proof that 688.8 / 1722.00 = 40% exactly (not 39.999999999999.... recurring %):

688.8 / 1722 (original fraction)

6888 / 17220 (multiplied top and bottom of fraction by 10)

2/5 (divided top and bottom of fraction by 3444)

Needs Info v-xiaoyan-msft (Community Support) responded

Hi @PowerWhy ,


Can you provide me with your version of Power BI Desktop?
We need this information to submit to the internal icm so that we can fix this issue as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance.


Best regards.
Community Support Team_ Caitlyn

Community Support
Status changed to: Needs Info

Hi @PowerWhy ,


Can you provide me with your version of Power BI Desktop?
We need this information to submit to the internal icm so that we can fix this issue as soon as possible.
Thanks in advance.


Best regards.
Community Support Team_ Caitlyn

Helper IV

Hi @v-xiaoyan-msft I'm not 100% sure so I've recreated from scratch using the December 2022 release and it still has the error:



Helper IV

Hi @v-xiaoyan-msft please could you let me know if you require more information? I think the status is still showing as "NEEDS INFO"