PowerBI Onpremises Data Gateway does not utilizes full RAM capacity

Hello Everyone,


Have got 32GB of RAM on my Data gateway server and the Powerbi Gateway processes (serveral Mashup's & a Gateway process) combined are hardly using 4GB of RAM.

Its taking ages to refresh few big Datasets.


Any suggestions on how can I force onpremises Datagateway to use full capacity ?


Server Details

Windows server 2012 , 64 bit,Quad core. 32 GB RAM, C-drive space 13GB of 40GB available.


Note - Connecting to Hana database.



Community Support

Hi @Aslan-R,


You can try to change MashupDefaultPoolContainerMaxCount setting. For more information, please see Control the number of mashup engine containers section in this blog: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/on-premises-data-gateway-january-update-is-now-available/


As you mentioned the dataset refresh take much time, you can refer to this article optimize performance: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/power-bi-reports-performance


Also you can check if there are many open connections to SAP Hana server at the time when you refresh the dataset. 


Best Regards,
Qiuyun Yu