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Full Screen Dashboards in Power BI Desktop

Include an option to publish or show a "Full Screen" dashboard for Power BI Desktop, similar to a PowerPoint Slide.
Status: Needs Votes
New Member
It's really useful to flick a report in full screen for demo purposes, prior to publishing the report to any presentation areas. In Tableau, this is done by pressing F7. Come on Microsoft, sort it out for Power BI 🙂
New Member
'+3 votes, if you did something wrong to the report and it was published! Damn it's too late, I really need to remember keeping backups before doing some changes.
Advocate I
Please provide this option to view the desktop version in full screen, would be very useful when preparing reports.
New Member
It's useful for presentation.
New Member
Yes, please. do allow us to view report previews in full screen.
Advocate II
Please!! we need it !!!
New Member
ohh god, Power bi is nothing if all data has to go throug Webserver - Desktio Fullscreen is Alpha Omega
Advocate IV
How is this not already an option?
New Member
Please add this feature! We are testing both Tableau and Power BI right now for our company and it's super annoying you can't go into full screen mode. Makes it harder to pitch Power BI to the decision makers who will ultimately decide which product to move forward with and invest in purchasing user licenses.
Advocate I
Please add this feature! This is like having PowerPoint without the Presentation option, our clients can't even believe this is not possible.