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Showing ideas with label Fabric platform | Support.
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Submitted on
10:08 AM
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10:08 AM

What if there was a Copilot button on every error message, from creating a connection to validating a job? If creating a connection failed, and I got an error message with a copilot entry, I could click on that and understand more details about the error and what I should do next.
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Fabric platform
Fabric platform | Support
Submitted on
10:01 AM
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10:01 AM
A Fabric lakehouse table is displaying an empty result (rows with no data in any column), even though the SQL script used to populate it hasn't changed. The data appears correctly in the Power Query editor, but after publishing or refreshing the dataset, the table shows no data.
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Fabric platform
Fabric platform | Support
Submitted on
05:32 PM
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05:32 PM
(a) In a Notebook, how can we execute a SQL statement? In Databricks notebook, we can change it to be able to execute SQL statement with %sql, but it is not possible in Fabric. spark.sql("SELECT month, round(SUM (rainfall),2) as MonthlyRainfall FROM ParquetRainfallTable WHERE location == 'Clementi Road' AND year == 2023 GROUP BY month, month_numeric ORDER BY month_numeric").show() (b) In the above SQL statement, it displays a table of values for month and MonthlyRainfall. However in Databricks, it can display a barplot easily in a Notebook. Can Microsoft consider this as an enhancement? it would be very useful, not only for barplots, but for other visualization like map too. Thanks.
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Fabric platform
Fabric platform | Support
Submitted on
01:20 PM
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01:20 PM
As per this post mongo connections are not able to support readreference or params in the connection string: This is a huge issue for us as we do not want to degrade performance of the mongo database while doing our reads.
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Fabric platform
Fabric platform | Support
Submitted on
11:25 PM
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11:25 PM
green construction/ green material supplier/ green logistics / esg finance/ sustainability/ SDG/ looking buyer supplier/ fintech patnership.
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Fabric platform
Fabric platform | Support
Submitted on
11:29 AM
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11:29 AM
Fabric Feedback SQL Endpoint / Lakehouse Why would the functionality of SQL Analytics Endpoint of a Lakehouse be so dependent on relationships made in the default sematic model? Ideally should be decoupled Issues with default sematic model will disrupt users trying to pull data from PowerBI or externally Default sematic model shouldn’t be touched at all? Why does functionality exist PBI experts told us to ever use default semantic model -- leads to confusion on our end SQL endpoint data is not refreshing on its own, we should not have to run scripts to manually refresh the data, it should refresh on its own Certain features are not available without notice that the features are in preview/testing Ie. AT TIME ZONE not being available anymore Creating relationships between tables in the sematic model take a while or errors are given which leads to multiple attempts being made Pipelines Deployment pipeline permissions should be separate from workspace permissions, no reason someone with test access permissions should be able to trigger a push to prod Trigger job for Data Warehouse via data pipelines should make it mor useable or us, plus beig able to interact with them somehow with a spark/python workflow, the keys and classic SQL constraints you can put on a table in the Data warehouse are very useful for dim data, but there is no straightforward way to ingest CSVs from source control that manage our slow moving dim data and update tables without using some sort of python library Permissions Access to an individual entity level is important If a user is granted contributor access to a workspace shouldn't mean they should edit all notebooks in it Misc/Minor VS code and Fabric experience is not viable Development in browser is not ideal Connection to the Spark pool always requires internet connection, but unexpected browser refreshes lead to lost work Data pipeline job history is basically unusable for any performance monitoring. Ideal to have bar chat showing duration of each job Dark mode would be nice
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Fabric platform
Fabric platform | Support
Submitted on
04:58 AM
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04:58 AM
Good Day - I am not sure if this is the correct forum to ask this question. I woke up this morning to go to the Fabric Community web page and found out I was banned. I am trying to get some idea as to what I did or behavior I displayed that have me banned. The only thing I did was signed up for the challenge. This is my first time joining the community and would like to participate in the challenge. Please provide details as to how to correct this but it will not allow me to sign in using my outlook email address. Down below is my information: Tracy Seabrooks Thank you
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Fabric platform
Fabric platform | Support
Submitted on
03:47 AM
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03:47 AM
Since the Azure Synapse Influencer program appeared to be so popular, I propose to have the same program in-place for Microsoft Fabric.
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Fabric platform
Fabric platform | Support
Submitted on
07:10 AM
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07:10 AM
Hello, I would love the option to receive a notification whenever a Fabric Idea gets promoted to the Microsoft Fabric release plan documentation, updates on estimated release dates, and when it is released. The link to the documentation could be included on the Fabric Idea once planned, and then a link to the monthly feature release article once delivered. The links could be added next to the Comments/Merged tabs. The reason I think this would be valuable is because the Fabric community can then track the maturity of an idea, and specifically receive updates on estimated timelines to deliver, and then utilize immediately once released. Thank you, Daniel.
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Fabric platform
Fabric platform | Support
Submitted on
05:13 PM
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05:13 PM
Hi Team, I have started forecasting the SKU utilization for Fabric using the Fabric SKU calculator in the Excel tool. While changing the values for the "Daily DW/LH Processing" category, I noticed it has a significant impact on the SKU selection. However, I am unclear about the exact values that should be entered here. Could you please clarify what "Daily DW/LH Processing" refers to? Does it represent the number of pipelines in ADF, or is it related to the data size processed daily through batch ETL? Looking forward to your guidance on this.
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Fabric platform
Fabric platform | Support
Submitted on
09:16 PM
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09:16 PM
In the current Welcome to Fabric home pages for each persona there are the "Create a Workspace" activities on the left, and the "Create Items" on the right. this works fine in Data Factory, because there's only a couple of items, but in other personas the "Create Items" section is condensed and requires scrolling. It would be nice if these two banners could be adjusted by dragging the | divider, or if the two banners just took up 50% of the real estate each.
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Fabric platform
Fabric platform | Support
Submitted on
10:32 AM
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10:32 AM
I'm facing Rebuild Error Code 310 while trying to repair data in my contractor software. The process fails each time, and I can't figure out the root cause. Has anyone dealt with this issue before? Any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated!
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Fabric platform
Fabric platform | Support
Submitted on
09:43 AM
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09:43 AM
I'm using Quicken for my contracting business, and I keep getting a "Quicken Window Has Stopped Working" error. This happens frequently and disrupts my work. Has anyone else encountered this issue? Any solutions or tips would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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Fabric platform
Fabric platform | Support
Submitted on
09:32 AM
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09:32 AM
I'm looking to hire my first 1099 contractor and want to ensure everything is set up correctly. What steps do I need to follow to comply with IRS regulations and manage taxes properly? Any tips or resources would be greatly appreciated!
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Fabric platform
Fabric platform | Support
Submitted on
09:07 AM
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09:07 AM
I'm encountering System Error Code 1722 during software installation. The process halts unexpectedly with this error, and I can't figure out the cause. Has anyone faced this issue before? Any solutions or troubleshooting tips would be greatly appreciated!
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Fabric platform
Fabric platform | Support
Submitted on
05:46 AM
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05:46 AM
Hello, The loyalty redemption standard functionality does not meet the legal requirements in Spain. The Spain legal requirements regarding loyalty points redemption is the following one: when a customer wants to pay with loyalty points, it should reduce the value from the amount without taxes (Base imponible), therefore, acting as a discount. The Dynamics solution allows to pay with loyalty points as a payment method, therefore it acts upon the total amount of the transaction: amount + taxes. In the configuration of the loyalty scheme there is a Redemption type called "Loyalty points discount". This option seems to be disabled as per the documentation available. This option is exactly what we need. Do you intend to reactivate this functionality? Thank you. Best regards, Ainhoa
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Fabric platform
Fabric platform | Support
Submitted on
11:04 AM
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11:04 AM
as a member of development team who is responsible for reporting platform we would like to have a central dashboard/app where there would be list of features/services that would be soon deprecated related to Office 365 products or Azure. The reason for this is currently there are many blogs to follow news which is for us currently not possible to track all of them as they many times include information's not related to us as we are interested only in operational stuff so it is hard for us to follow. Recently as an example we had issue with capacity metrics app which was deprecated and we only got information about deprecation once the app suddenly stop refreshing and we searched for root cause. It would be very help full to have central place where we can look for future changes so we can plan in advance instead of hot-fixing the issues.
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Fabric platform
Fabric platform | Support
Submitted on
01:12 AM
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01:12 AM
When a pipeline fails, instead of showing which step failed, with a generic error, the error occurring inside that process should be shown. Example: "Dataflow failed to refresh" should be "Dataflow failed to refresh: "File 'Bronze.parquet' could not be found."
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Fabric platform
Fabric platform | Support
Submitted on
03:59 AM
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03:59 AM
Dalam dunia yang terus berkembang, ide-ide kreatif menjadi pusat perhatian bagi banyak orang. Dari seni dan desain hingga teknologi dan bisnis, trend ide kreatif yang baru dan inovatif terus muncul, mempengaruhi cara kita berpikir, bertindak, dan mencipta. Mari kita telusuri beberapa tren ide kreatif yang sedang menginspirasi aksi dan karya di berbagai bidang: 1. Eco-Friendly Living: Gaya hidup ramah lingkungan menjadi tren yang semakin populer, dengan banyak orang beralih ke produk-produk dan praktik-praktik yang lebih berkelanjutan untuk mendukung keberlanjutan lingkungan. 2. Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences: Pengalaman realitas virtual semakin banyak digunakan dalam berbagai industri, mulai dari hiburan dan pendidikan hingga pariwisata dan kesehatan mental, membuka pintu untuk pengalaman baru yang mendalam dan interaktif. 3. TikTok Challenges: Platform media sosial seperti TikTok telah menjadi wadah untuk berbagai tantangan kreatif yang menginspirasi jutaan pengguna di seluruh dunia untuk berpartisipasi dalam tren video singkat yang unik dan menghibur. 4. Remote Work Solutions: Pandemi COVID-19 telah mendorong lonjakan dalam penggunaan solusi kerja jarak jauh, mendorong inovasi dalam alat dan teknologi untuk mendukung produktivitas dan kolaborasi tim di lingkungan kerja yang berbeda. 5. NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens): Teknologi blockchain telah menciptakan peluang baru bagi seniman dan kreator untuk memonetisasi karya-karya digital mereka melalui penjualan NFT, membuka jalan untuk model bisnis yang lebih inklusif dan berbasis komunitas. 6. Circular Economy Initiatives: Inisiatif ekonomi sirkular semakin banyak dilakukan untuk mengurangi limbah dan mendorong penggunaan kembali, daur ulang, dan penggunaan yang bertanggung jawab terhadap sumber daya alam. 7. AI-Driven Personalization: Penggunaan kecerdasan buatan untuk personalisasi konten dan pengalaman pengguna telah menjadi tren yang dominan dalam pengembangan aplikasi dan platform digital, meningkatkan kualitas interaksi antara pengguna dan teknologi. 8. Creative Entrepreneurship: Semakin banyak individu yang mencari jalan untuk mengubah hobi dan minat mereka menjadi bisnis yang sukses, dengan banyaknya platform e-commerce dan layanan online yang memfasilitasi akses pasar dan distribusi produk. 9. Mental Health Awareness Campaigns: Kampanye kesadaran kesehatan mental semakin mendapatkan perhatian yang lebih besar, dengan banyaknya inisiatif dan program yang dirancang untuk mengurangi stigma dan menyediakan sumber daya untuk dukungan mental yang lebih luas. Tren-tren ide kreatif ini hanya sebagian kecil dari beragam inovasi yang terus berkembang di seluruh dunia. Dengan terus berkolaborasi, bereksperimen, dan berbagi ide, kita dapat terus menginspirasi satu sama lain untuk menciptakan masa depan yang lebih cerah dan bermakna.
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Fabric platform
Fabric platform | Support
Submitted on
05:45 AM
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05:45 AM
In current Fabric SQL Endpoint optimization, the process is evaluating relationships and turning on Assume Referential Integrity. This is a very dangerous setting for my data as we tend to have some duplicates entered every year by mistake that we always have to clean up. Please provide an option to toggle this on/off in optimization settings.
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Fabric platform
Fabric platform | Support
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on: Bug: New Card visual doesn't move with arrow keys
- CeeVee33 on: Introduce a "Publisher" Role in Power BI Workspace...
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v-emohankira on: Customize company announcement at MS Fabric Home p...
- jschueller on: Make Export Data the ONLY visual header icon
Power BI
38,519 -
Fabric platform
522 -
Data Factory
438 -
Data Factory | Data Pipeline
266 -
Data Engineering
234 -
Data Warehouse
168 -
Data Factory | Dataflow
134 -
Real-Time Intelligence
126 -
Fabric platform | OneLake
98 -
Fabric platform | Workspaces
96 -
Fabric platform | Admin
96 -
Fabric platform | CICD
73 -
Fabric platform | Capacities
65 -
Real-Time Intelligence | Eventhouse and KQL
56 -
Real-Time Intelligence | Activator
50 -
Data Science
41 -
Fabric platform | Security
39 -
Data Factory | Mirroring
36 -
Fabric platform | Governance
33 -
Real-Time Intelligence | Eventstream
30 -
Fabric platform | Data hub
26 -
Fabric platform | Support
25 -
Databases | SQL Database
21 -
16 -
Data Factory | Apache Airflow Job
3 -
2 -
Real-Time Hub