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DAX Query Language Visual

I see big value in creating a visual that can display the results of a DAX query. One way this could be deployed is a follows. * Add the new visual to the report canvas * Write a DAX query that returns a table (of course) and add this to the visual * The visual would respect any cross filtering coming from the report just like any other visual. This would give report writers very granular control to display records without having to use a table visual and a measure that triggers the display of the correct records.
Status: Needs Votes
New Member
Great suggestion. I find this capability very useful in Excel.
New Member
I also do this in Excel, but in Excel it doesn’t respect filters. If it would do this is would be killer!
New Member
A visual that you can use with a "drop" of a table instead of a drop of a column or measure and then responds well to cross-filtering has my vote!
New Member
i dont quite understand what you mean....
New Member
It would be even better if we could use those dynamic queries in any visual. Like dynamic data layer with tables affected by current context filters. This way we could have dynamically calculated columns and a simpler way to calculate some complex measures.
New Member
I get the idea but how is this different from adding another table to the model, with or without relationships to other tables?
New Member
'@Paul, Its different because its affected by slicers in your report context. For example if you have a sales table with some dimensions like client, date, product and two numeric fileds: units and revenue. You could easily write a query to see the total units and avg price by price range, and then play with different slicers so the table will show you the distribuition of your sales for the current selection. Furthermore you could define the number of buckets for the price range in another slicer and play with detail level too. Finally if you implement this via a dynamic data layer as I sugest you could use any visual on top of your query and for example create a dynamic histogram. All this is trivial to do in Tableau and really really complicated/impossible in PBI. In my opinion distribuition visualization is the greatest weakness of this tool. Sanddance was a step in the right direction but its development seams to be stopped, so I really hope they eventually implement this idea.
New Member
I'm hoping a DAX Context display "visual" comes out soon as I suggested here:
New Member
Great Idea It would help for people like me how are weak in DAX
Helper I
One of the best ideas. That will be the best teacher of DAX and Power Bi.