Show soft deleted storage size in Capacity Metrics App

We need insights into the storage consumption of active files and soft deleted files.


The Capacity Metrics App's Storage page should have the ability to show the storage size of soft deleted files and the storage size of active files. And the total.


Today, it is not possible to differentiate between storage size of soft deleted files and active files in the Capacity Metrics App.

Need Clarification Chris_Novak1 (Microsoft Employee) responded

Connected wtih OneLake team who is investigating as related to this feature OneLake Disaster Recovery and Data Protection - Microsoft Fabric | Microsoft Learn

Microsoft Employee
Status changed to: Need Clarification

This is supported today.  Deletion status == Deleted is what will be shown when usage is soft deleted.

Is there a scenario where you're not seeing the right information?  If so please clarify.  Below is a screen shot of what this will look like in capacity metrics.



Super User
@Chris_Novak1 according to the docs, the Deletion status only indicates whether the entire workspace is active or has been soft deleted. "Deletion status - Indicates whether the workspace is active or not. Soft-deleted data is billed at the same rate as active data." I am thinking about soft-deleted files that exist inside an active workspace. Anytime we delete files in a Lakehouse, the files get soft-deleted, even if the workspace is active. For example, anytime we run vacuum on a lakehouse table, the deleted files get soft-deleted even if the workspace is still active. It is not possible to identify the volume of soft-deleted files inside an Active workspace in the Capacity Metrics App. Only the deletion status of the entire workspace is identifiable in the Capacity Metrics App. Thus, we cannot break down how much of the storage is soft-deleted files and how much of the storage is active files.
Microsoft Employee
Status changed to: Need Clarification

Connected wtih OneLake team who is investigating as related to this feature OneLake Disaster Recovery and Data Protection - Microsoft Fabric | Microsoft Learn