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Enable/Disable row of applied filters in excel when exporting data

When we export data from the Power BI report to Excel, a row with "applied filters" is added (in addition to our data). We have encountered this feature not useful and it is creating an extra effort for us when modifying our reports in Excel.

It would be useful to have a previous option set up to decide if this row should be added or not.

Status: New
New Member

Agreed with @Gaby GarciaReyes 

Should able to disable/enable to display "applied filters" row.

New Member

Yes - a simple toggle to allow us to include or exclude the refinements when exporting to Excel would be incredibly useful.

New Member

PBI export we are using in different applications. " The Applied filter at the bottom" created the problem. Is there any way we can restrict that row in the export data?

New Member
Status changed to: New