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DAX Debugger

Add capability to debug DAX code i.e. being able to step through DAX code, add Watch for expressions and variables and most importantly, be able to view the table/DATA change according to the current row/filter context in the code step
Status: Needs Votes
Frequent Visitor
This would be very helpful. I tend to have to break the DAX expression up into separate parts when debugging, but that sometimes changes the context or creates an intermediate value that I can't directly see (ex tables). It would be nice to be able to step through a DAX expression and see the results.
New Member
This would be incredibly helpful.
New Member
Certainly required as debugging a DAX is a painstaking adventure consuming high cost of resources.
New Member
Definitely needed!! Because we are blind when things do not work as expected...
New Member
What would be useful in Power BI Desktop would be to enable "Debug mode" and then click any data value point on a visual, or grid cell and invoke a graphical debug that shows what tables are involved and what filtering is being applied (step by step)
New Member
this should be bread and butter of dax developer. i wonder why not many people vote for this feature. maybe dax is not as popular as i would love to see
New Member
This is must required to debug DAX developer. Do needful
New Member
Also there is no way to check the performance of the report unless we use a third party tool like DAX studio. I think DAX debugger would help it.
New Member
Right now, figuring out where the issues are in my DAX code is much more difficult than it should be. I would really like to be able to step through the process, so I can see where it's going sideways, like I can in Excel VB. Right now it's a lot of teasing apart and guesswork, which is so slow and annoying.
New Member
This is crucial. As soon as your model grows and especially when you have to deal with inactive relationships (so you use USERELATIONSHIP or CROSSFILTER) you basically have to "guesswork" what's happening under the hood. Because if you don't use them you can add a table and slicers and see how your filter works, but once you switch contexts and use those, it's impossible...