Copy/paste the data behind the visual in Power BI to other applications

I can copy the visual either as image or data table and paste it in other applications.
New Member

You can copy/paste the data to other application using Inforiver for Microsoft Power BI. You can also customize and export formatted statements to pdf/excel. These reports can also be scheduled to email and other destinations such as One Drive, Share Point, Teams channel etc.

New Member

Try the Inforiver custom visual which has a feature to copy the data displayed in your visual and also have formatted Export to Excel or PDF with the entire data.

New Member
March 2022 Update: We are looking into this

We recently released the ability to export data from tiles and visuals to a CSV file. This may work for y'all as a workaround until we add the ability to directly copy and paste the visual or data. You can read more about it here: Be sure to let us know what you think about the feature!
New Member

After more than 8 years, this is still only "planned"? Really???

Even the Link to a workaround does not work anymore...

We distribute large Data via our webpage to a broad audience. They use it for their own calculations, for benchmarking etc. They sometimes need just few data and not millions. So we need a way to let them get this specific data in an easy way, without distraction! 

New Member

How is this seriously not resolved yet? This has been open for 2 years since the "workaround".

New Member
Status changed to: Planned