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Submitted on
10:00 PM
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10:00 PM

The primary axis are outdated and require significant improvement when compared to Excel. This makes it difficult for report creators and often leads to problems when trying to manage and style them effectively. By offering more format settings, greater control over displayed data can be provided, especially if axis ticks, new gridlines, and separators are also included.
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Submitted on
04:19 AM
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04:19 AM
It should be possible for admin to monitor and manage the personal bookmark created by end users.
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Hi, Currently, it is not possible to trigger a Fabric notebook run via the REST API, when the notebook is communicating with a lakehouse that has schemas enabled. This feature is marked as 'Public preview', but there are several threads suggesting a fix would have been in place by late 2024: The workaround suggested does not work either. It seems very strange that it works without the schemas enabled. The underlying issue seems to be: INFO notebookUtils [Thread-62]: [FabricClient][ListWorkspaceByMssparkutils][get] Completed request url with correlation id X, requestId: X, activityId: , status code: 403, total cost 173ms, request cost 166ms A timeline of when this feature would be supported will be appreciated. Regards, Oliver
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Hi Team, Is there any plans to add more default collation options when creating a warehouse? eg Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_SC_UTF8 For me collate Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_KS_WS_SC_UTF8 doesn't help with the main issue for case sensitivity on the data select. eg When using SELECT with LIKE %% we still need to change collation which is pain and often gets forgotten leading to incorrect outputs. eg still need to do this unfortunately SELECT * FROM [warehouse].[dbo].[MyTable] WHERE [MyColumn] LIKE '%SEARCH%' COLLATE Latin1_General_100_CI_AS_SC_UTF8; Thanks, Darren
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The matrix visual is currently set to around 100 columns. I have a report of Air Quality permit numbers that ranges up to almost 140. The matrix will not show all of the columns, so the customer has to filter the list with slicers the get the display to below 100 columns. This report has been un use for several years, and I would like to see it work correctly. Thank you. Johnny Jones
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Add functionality to Manage (Data Model Settings) Page Currently this just shows a grayed out >Data Source Credentials which cannot be maintained in the Power BI Service. Add functionality to manage gateway like PBIX Reports Add functionality to manage paramaters (see below for more detail) Ability to manage parameters in the Power BI Service for Power BI Report Builder Paginated Reports Currently paginated reports (.rdl) do not have the parameter flexibility like the standard power bi reports (.pbix) where parameters can be changed on the back end (e.g. pointing test to test and dev to dev database via a parameter used for the data source). It would be awesome for both Internal paginated report parameters AND power query parameters to be managable from the power bi service in the manage screen. Rename the Manage and Settings menu options in the Power BI Service (elipses options on RDL files) For RDL, Manage option appears to take user to a screen similar to PBIX Data Model 'settings' while Settings appears to take you to Report 'settings'. To make things easier to follow, simply rename Manage to Report Settings and Settings to Data Model Settings. Workspace level setting Add functionality to set which roles can create, read, update, and/or delete ALL associated subscriptions rather than just the ones created by current user for.
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It would be very useful if users could restore their own bookmarks and if report administrators had the ability to restore all user bookmarks. Some users lost all bookmarks after an update. A recovery option would greatly improve the experience and prevent data loss.
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Submitted on
10:00 PM
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10:00 PM

It’s challenging and time-consuming for both new and experienced report creators to organize data when trying to split cards into categories. By introducing small multiples, it could be a familiar and easy way for report creators to intuitively categorize data, especially if they had more control over layout and formatting.
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Currently we're getting Power BI audit data using shell script per Workspace, App and Report Name. We don't get Page Name. However, we do get usage per page name in usage metrics in PoweBI web. Need to add Page Name column in audit data to tack usage per page
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Currently, the Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse supports metadata-based backup capabilities, which are effective for recovery in the event of failures. While Disaster Recovery (DR) provides fault tolerance, its high cost makes it challenging for organizations with limited budgets to implement. To address these limitations and provide a more cost-effective solution, we strongly request the addition of a feature to directly export or back up tabular data stored in OneLake in the Delta Parquet format as part of the Data Warehouse functionality. Furthermore, implementing backup options such as "full" and "differential," similar to those available in SQL Server, would improve flexibility and operational efficiency. Introducing these features would significantly enhance Fabric's backup and recovery capabilities, providing users with a robust and cost-effective data protection solution.
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I was so happy when the support for a case insensitive collation was finally released. However, the fact that you cannot select your collation in the GUI makes it less useful. Currently you have to create a warehouse via an API command to get the case insentive collation. And while this is no issue if all you do is create your Fabric items via code, there are a lot of organizations that still create their items via clickops. So please make it possible to select collation type in the GUI when you create your warehouse. A checkbox to opt in for the non-default collation is fine, but the option to select from a drop-down menu or similar would also be good.
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It would be great if there was multi-window support for the various elements of Power Bi Desktop, similar to Dynamics 365 Business Central. I've tried the On-Object Interaction Preview but I prefer the classic version with the option to open multiple panes at the same time, even at the cost of screen space. Another issue is when writing/editing a long DAX measure which takes up almost all screen space, requiring you to hide and reopen the formula bar to see the changes reflected in the visuals. I imagine a version where you could you have separate windows for: Only the visuals (no Verical Panes or Formula Bar) Report View without Visuals, Table View, Model View, Dax Query View All Vertical Panes (like Filters, Selection, Sync slicers, Bookmarks, Visualizations, Data)
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Submitted on
09:34 PM
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09:34 PM
In order to see the complete carbon footprint of our hybrid cloud (Azure + own cloud), the Microsoft Emissions Impact Dashboard alone is not enough. We need to combine emissions data from Microsoft Emissions Impact Dashboard with data from our own cloud. The absolute simplest way would be if there was an API available for us to extract the data from Microsoft Emission Impact Dashboard to use in our own system for carbon footprint. This feature is in the backlog for the product developing team, please upvote my Idea to make it prioritized.
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I propose adding a "freezable header" section to Power BI report canvases. This would function similar to the frozen header rows in Excel or fixed navigation bars on websites, allowing report creators to designate a portion of the canvas as a persistent header that remains visible while users scroll through the rest of the report content. Currently, when designing reports with multiple visualizations that extend beyond a single screen view, important interactive elements like slicers, filters, or key metrics disappear as users scroll down to view content lower on the canvas. This creates a disconnected experience where users must constantly scroll back up to adjust filters or reference key information. The solution would involve: A new canvas section option that allows report designers to define a "header area" at the top of the report page Controls to set the header height and content that should remain fixed The ability to place any Power BI visualization in this area (slicers, KPIs, navigation buttons, etc.) Automatic scrolling behavior that keeps the header visible while the report body scrolls independently This feature would transform how users interact with Power BI reports by: Creating a more intuitive, webpage-like experience where navigation and filtering controls remain accessible at all time Allowing users to see the impact of slicer selections on visualizations without losing sight of either element. Enabling report designers to create more cohesive narrative flows through data, as key contextual information can remain visible throughout the exploration process. Reducing user friction and the cognitive load of remembering filter states when scrolling through extensive report The implementation would need to handle responsive design considerations and potentially interact with existing features like drill-through filtering. The header area should remain responsive to different screen sizes while maintaining its fixed position during scrolling. This feature would be particularly valuable for: Dashboards with multiple related visualizations that require consistent filtering Reports with extensive content requiring scrolling Interactive presentations where presenters need persistent access to controls Executive dashboards where key metrics should remain visible while exploring supporting details This enhancement would significantly improve the usability of Power BI reports, bringing the interface more in line with modern web design practices and user expectations for interactive data experiences.
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Submitted on
01:44 AM
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01:44 AM

I would like my end users to use the Export data option without seeing all the other options.
Can we have an option for only enabling Export data without enabling all the other options?
Same question was asked here:
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Submitted on
09:34 PM
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09:34 PM
Please add more text formatting options to the Help tooltip text and Visual tooltip text features. At present only Font, size, colour , background, transparency options are available. It will be better and helpful if you can also provide with text alignment, Font Bold, Italic options also. Currently, the information text on mouse over a help '?' icon is not displaying in proper alignment (hope its right aligned by default). Similarly for the Visual tooltip feature. Thanks.
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Submitted on
06:05 PM
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06:05 PM

please create feature to settting conditional formatting in column header matrix, atleast we can coloring in header column with spesific condition
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Submitted on
10:00 PM
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10:00 PM

To address the challenges of organizing and presenting data due to the limitations of column and row headers, a potential solution would be to implement a new matrix visual with customizable controls, allowing report creators to adjust the dimensions of columns and rows, group them hierarchically, apply diverse styles, and use conditional formatting.
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Submitted on
06:45 AM
Submitted by
06:45 AM
Millions of whole numbers is insane to scroll through. The only work around is showing the filter pane, which is a whole issue with what they then can see and do and what that affects. If you hide each individual filter except just that one then you have to maintain that across all pages. Plus the Filter pane looks horrible compared to slicers especially the newer slicers. Excel has had a search with whole numbers since it came out. I don't understand why this is so hard to implement. Can you please roll out a search within a slicer for numbers, espcially whole numbers like document numbers or transaction numbers etc.
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Hi Team, Great to get the ability to create a SQL Database via API are you working on the ability to return the connection details? To make it more useful it would be great if we could get the connection details for the created database to (similar to how we can get in warehouse). ** Once completed can we update the offical documentation ASAP so the Terraform provided team can start using ** Return something like below: { "id": "5b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715", "displayName": "SQLDatabase1", "description": "A SQLDatabase description.", "type": "SQLDatabase", "workspaceId": "cfafbeb1-8037-4d0c-896e-a46fb27ff229" "properties": { "serverFqdn": "", "databaseName": "SQLDatabase1-b218778-e7a5-4d73-8187-f10824047715" }, } Thanks, Darren
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on: Power BI | Enable or Disable all datasets Refreshe...
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- aniket_yamle on: Feature Request: Freezable Canvas Header for Power...
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