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Pass filters in URL

It would be great if we can pass filters in the url of the dashboard, which will filter the reports based on various parameters e.g. current fiscal period, geography, person's role, department etc.
Status: Completed
New Member
Thanks to everyone who participated in the filter survey last year and for leaving detailed comments below in the meantime as well. We used your feedback to prioritize and release two enhancements to our filtering: 1. In June, we released the ability to share report filters with others. Behind the scenes, this creates a bookmark with the current slicer/filter state and share a URL containing that bookmark ID. You can use that URL as you wish – in portals, your own emails, anywhere! 2. In August, we expanded support for URL filters on reports, by supporting additional data types (datetime), additional operators beyond equals (greater than or equals, greater than, less than or equals, less than), and the ‘in’ operator to allow filtering on multiple values easily. See more details at We hope these improvements have been helpful to you. If this wasn't enough and you still want other functionality, please vote on one of these ideas: - For filters on dashboards, which would pave the way for filtering through the URL: - For personal bookmarks:
New Member
Nice, but not on my top 10 list.
New Member
Definitely need the ability to pass in parameters if reports are going to be embeddable. Furthermore its important that they are defined in the URL. I wonder, if the user is accessing using their Azure Active Directory (AAD0 credentials might there be an opportunity to specify that the parameter should default to (say) their Windows login ID. In other words, the ability to default to a value from AAD
New Member
This is actually important for a loosely coupled reporting architecture. SSRS supports it now. Ideally, you want to be able to execute a report by passing in as arguments: 1) the name of the report 2) report filter parameters and their values 3) any formatting options This allows a report to be called from another report as a drill down option, from any web front end, from a map (easy to construct a URL from ESRI), etc. Your reports become independent building blocks that be easily assembled into solutions with minimal scripting or programming.
New Member
One of most importen feature for daly use. I want all my settings on the next day. If you want to save your analysis, it is now not possible to use this applikation, because if you have large organisations you need always to klick through the hole dimensions ( product hierarchie, customer hierarchie, costcenter hierarchie) if you like i can send you a solution - we have it implemented in arcplan. (public, privat bookmarks + sending to other people with all settings) It helps a lot for daly business in firms. see also bookmarks - if you have bookmarks, you can send them to a user. It is the normal process of analysing It is the same problem in sharepoint i cant save my anlytic settings !
New Member
Pleaae add, we use this currently with PowerBI in SharePoint, so it should still be supported in PowerBI
New Member
Must have feature, please implement! All reporting tools must have an option for entering in parameters.
New Member
I definitely concur with passing parameters in the URL string. We do this extensively with SSRS. We have a .Net web app with a ReportViewer control that allows us to pass a user's federated login (SAML) attributes such as Role and organization to constrain data shown on the dashboards (row level security), and to enable/disable drill-thru permissions accordingly. We have a solution that is used statewide by school districts and the data is automatically filtered by the user's organizational credentials. We would love to take advantage of some of the Power BI features, but need this capability for deployment.
New Member
I realy like the idea of passing filter via the URL. However web browsers have URL lenght limits. In the case of IE11 that is 2048 characters. Whoever has tried passing filters into SSRS reports before should know how anoying the URL limitation can be (especially for multi value filters). So, a big YES to passing filters into PowerBI and a very big NO for using the URL. Incorporate it into the API please
New Member
Has this been implemented in some fashion yet?