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Conditional Formatting with fixed colors not color scale.

Hi Team, Conditional formatting is extremely poor as it does not satisfy the basic criteria. I need to set the colors based on the value ranges. Red - if the values are <75 Yellow if the values are in between 75 and 84 Green if >=85. I don't need diverging. Users are getting confused among the multiple shades when you are dealing with high dense values. Please let me know if this can be implemented in the near future or not, Thanks KVB
Status: Completed
New Member
This is available through conditional formatting. shows how to do it in a table, but it works for chart colors as well. Thanks!
New Member
This is a requirement for a lot of our projects. I like the gradient feature, but we should be able to select at least 3 fixed colors.
New Member
I would also recommend this feature,we also have same requirement..
New Member
I have done it like this within a table. I would however like to do it i more of the visualisations.
New Member
I would also recommend this feature,we also have same requirement.
Helper I
Its very basic feature which should be there. It should be allowed to use expression at other field as well instead of hard coded values for example: Constant line Waiting for this feature....
New Member
it's nor working when use with multiple value. Anyone has work around with this ?
New Member
Status changed to: Completed