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Better support for SSAS MD formatting

Power BI (Desktop) supports formatting designed in the SSAS cube. However, when I format a measure as \€ #,##0.00;\€ -#,##0.00, the € sign is lost in Power BI. It works in Excel though.
Status: Needs Votes
New Member
Need to have formatting for SSAS Multidimensional. Power BI doesn't support formatting from the cube. Also, it should support the ability to change the formatting directly in Power BI. Please work on this.
New Member
Being able to port formatting from the cube is a basic functionalities that should been there from day one. Keep in mind that Dashboard are created to be shared with Senior staff for assessments and running their groups. Specially if you are working with the finance group who is very particular on how the data should be formatted. Not having this functionality is causing extra work to compensate for this BUG, and please do not called by design. It feels like Microsoft is not listening to the user base when I hear this reply!!
Advocate I
Please fix! Excited about Power BI on-premise, but this simple issue will give end-users fits!! Let's make this work like it fundamentally should, please!
New Member
Have you tried formatting the measure as a calculations and then referencing that in Power BI? Not ideal but for whatever reason we seem to have had better luck with formatting when applying it as a calculation
New Member
Formatting measures on a SSAS MDX cube with a live connection is really unpredictable. It seems the format of calculated measures work but formatting natural measures does not. Please fix this issue.
New Member
Supporting SSAS MD Formatting is a must have. Without the feature will clearly impacts the user adoption of PowerBI + SSAS. Also, it will be nice to have the ability change the formatting directly in Power BI.
New Member
Best work around I've found. And from the infamous Chris Webb. Trying his workaround now.
Regular Visitor
We are starting to look at SSAS with Power BI for some of our BI needs. Its extremely important that we can inherit the formatting as specified using the formatting strings in the SSAS measure design. Please work on incorporating this into an upcoming release of Power BI. I'll try using the workaround as suggested by Chris Webb
New Member
Since formatting from SSAS MD cubes does not come through on stored calculated members I'm trying to get around this by building calculated members. For example: CREATE MEMBER CURRENTCUBE.[Measures].[Units Sold %] AS CASE WHEN [Scenario].[Scenario].CurrentMember = [Scenario].[Scenario].&[2017 Actual+Orders vs 2017 Budget] THEN DIVIDE(([Scenario].&[2017 Actual+Orders vs 2017 Budget],[Measures].[Units Sold]) ,([Time].[Year Nr].&[2017],[Scenario].[Scenario].&[Budget],[Measures].[Units Sold])) ELSE NULL END ------------------------------------------ ,FORMAT_STRING = "Percent" ,VISIBLE = 1 ,ASSOCIATED_MEASURE_GROUP = 'Measures' This returns a value that is formatted as a percrent but then I get more columns than I want such as "Units Sold %" under scenarios not referenced in the calc above. I tried switching off the automatic column width and hiding the column but then the table doesn't refresh. Is there a way I don't know about that will enable me to hide the extra columns with no values?
New Member