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Allow the creation of a Theme Pack

Allow for the creation of a corporate color theme pack. Same principle of styles in Excel: I define a set of styles (colors, fonts, background, format,...) and apply to my report items. For example, let me set the default slicer background color to a suitable shade so that all slicer created start with my default color settings. I would also like to be able to save me color scheme separately so that i can share it with colleagues to create a consistent feel.
Status: Completed
Advocate I
If anybody is wondering how to edit the text size of a visualization with the theme, this post may be helpful (it worked for me at least) Cheers!
Frequent Visitor
How would I set a default for a visualizations border to on and assign its color?
Advocate I
Hi, thanks for the release! I wonder if there are more documentation about how to edit the Text Size in the json theme file. I've read all your sources and I have not found it. It said that it is possible but I couldn't figure out how to. Please help!
New Member
Colors are a super important part of presenting data. It's not only aesthetic, it's also functional. I should be able to create, save, or download a custom color palette. The default palette is full of tacky pastels, doesn't contain green, and the custom color picker is limited to neon. At the very least, I should have an array of prebuilt color themes to choose from that includes neutral colors similar to Power Point, and primary colors. And green.
New Member
Hi Amanda, do you think we can at least have an update as your "STARTED" update was dated March 6, 2017 and it is now February 6, 2018 = 335 DAYS ago! I would guess that it is nearly impossible to "flip a switch" and add "themes", so could you perhaps share any roadmap? Pretty please!!!
New Member
Urgente esta tema!!!
New Member
Sumamente necesario
New Member
Currently you can use the following tool. to generate custom theme JSON files that you can use to change the standard options within PowerBI Desktop. This can be used to create those standard templates for your company to be reused by all BI report creators. https://PowerBI.Tips
New Member
Thank you!!!!
New Member
Status changed to: Completed