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Custom Visuals Ideas will be in read-only beginning Friday, Feb. 28 as we prepare to move these ideas to the new Fabric Ideas.

Sorting a matrix differently on different levels

I would like to have the ability to sort a multi level power bi matrix by different items at different levels of the hierarchy.

for example:

at Level 1 sort by Product Group (Insurance) - asc

at Level 2 sort by Product (Home, Life, Income, Sickness, etc) - desc

at Level 3 sort by Status (Proposed, Sold, Cancelled) - asc

with a General Column sort on values or volumes - desc

The number of sorts available would be dependant on the number of levels in your matrix.

This feature would only work if the user has created sort orders in their data.

It could also be enhanced if there was a separate data type for power bi to use as a datasorting type.

Status: New