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Custom Visuals Ideas will be in read-only beginning Friday, Feb. 28 as we prepare to move these ideas to the new Fabric Ideas.

Enable drill through on Custom Visuals

Like on standard visuals it would be much apprceciated to be able to drill through to an other page from a Custom Visual.


Thanks in advance,



Status: Delivered

As of API 2.2 context menu and drill through features are supported.

With drill through report authors can create a page in their report that focuses on a specific entry. By right-clicking on a data point in other report pages they can drill through to the focuses page to get details that are filtered to that specific context.


Please check our latest blog:

Community Champion
Status changed to: Accepted

The Drill Through feature is on backlog.

We'll update once it's implemented.


Ignat Vilesov,

Software Engineer


Microsoft Power BI Custom Visuals

Microsoft Employee
Status changed to: Delivered

As of API 2.2 context menu and drill through features are supported.

With drill through report authors can create a page in their report that focuses on a specific entry. By right-clicking on a data point in other report pages they can drill through to the focuses page to get details that are filtered to that specific context.


Please check our latest blog: