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Custom Visuals Ideas will be in read-only beginning Friday, Feb. 28 as we prepare to move these ideas to the new Fabric Ideas.

Dual Y axis in Line chart


We would like to use a Line chart with dual Y-axis (like secondary Y axis we have in combo chart). 

Any ideas if the visualization already exists which I can import and reuse?

Status: Delivered

Power KPI supports dual Y-axis now.



Community Champion

Hello @vemuria,


Thanks for your feedback.

There's no custom visual that supports dual Y-axis unfortunately.


Ignat Vilesov,

Software Engineer


Microsoft Power BI Custom Visuals

Community Champion
Status changed to: Accepted

Dual Y Axis is going to be supported in Power KPI 1.5.0.

This version will be avaialble for end-users on 06/26/2018.

Frequent Visitor

Try this


I havent worked on it for over a year and so it needs some tweaking to make it more robust but am willing to do that if required.

Community Champion
Status changed to: Delivered

Power KPI supports dual Y-axis now.



Advocate I

"Delivered", really?
To be honest that solution looks awfully strange. You suggest use "Power KPI" but 2 line charts look pretty ugly there - there are many missing features like no possibility to add markers, and no "customize series" in data lables (which is key feature for me). Instead of adding simple solution to line chart (what was asked) you actually did something weird (sorry - it's just the way I see it). Would be good if you can reconsider and add secondary axis to line chart after all. 

Or maybe I am missing something and can explain how can I have secondary axis in line chart. Thanks.

Resolver II

Hi @pirdim ,


Have you tried Advanced Combo (Category based data) or Advanced TimeSeries (Time-based data). 


They both support dual axis and allow you to choose the series chart type. Let me know what you think about it.


DM me if you want to get the latest version which have been submitted to Appsource, waiting in queue 🙂



Not applicable

Hi @vemuria @pirdim 


Have you tried the xviz Mult Axis chart - You can have upto 5 different Y axis and close to 25 different chart options