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Overlaying Graphs

I have a set of monthly cost data over the course of several years. If, for example, I want to plot cost over time for January-June of 2014, is there a way to overlay a plot on top of that for January -June of 2015, to compare trends over the two years? Is this done in the reports or can it be done on a dashboard as well? 


Hi @jgenchanok


In answer to your most recent question, I generated some dummy data as follows


Date	Usage
1/01/2014	10
1/02/2014	21
1/03/2014	29
1/04/2014	36
1/05/2014	44
1/06/2014	44
1/07/2014	47
1/08/2014	51
1/09/2014	65
1/10/2014	72
1/11/2014	82
1/12/2014	93
1/01/2015	104
1/02/2015	117
1/03/2015	114
1/04/2015	129
1/05/2015	143
1/06/2015	138
1/07/2015	141
1/08/2015	149
1/09/2015	155
1/10/2015	163
1/11/2015	169
1/12/2015	171
1/01/2016	180
1/02/2016	178
1/03/2016	186
1/04/2016	191
1/05/2016	191
1/06/2016	191
1/07/2016	190
1/08/2016	191
1/09/2016	200
1/10/2016	211
1/11/2016	218
1/12/2016	229

Which gave me three years.


I then added the following two calcualated columns to my table


Month = FORMAT('Table9'[Date],"MMMM")

MonthID = INT(FORMAT('Table9'[Date],"MM"))

The MonthID is just there to help sort the [Month] column in order.  The table now looks like this




I can then make Matrix and Line visuals as follows



To learn more about DAX visit :

Proud to be a Datanaut!

View solution in original post

Microsoft Employee
Microsoft Employee

Hi @jgenchanok,


Yes this is possible.  I suggest you create two measures.  The first will be simple and might be the sum of cost,  The second will be similar but use one of the Time-Intelligence functions like SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR to build a second measure that you can add to your visual.


If you post a small set of your data we can try and build something for you.

To learn more about DAX visit :

Proud to be a Datanaut!

Thanks Phil, 

I was wondering if it had similar functionality to creating a pivot table in excel. For example, in excel, I can create a pivot table that has months as rows and years as columns and it will plot those years individually.  Capture.PNG



If I try to make a similar format matrix table in Power, it does not correlate to the same type of graph if I wanted to make a combo chart. 

Hi @jgenchanok


In answer to your most recent question, I generated some dummy data as follows


Date	Usage
1/01/2014	10
1/02/2014	21
1/03/2014	29
1/04/2014	36
1/05/2014	44
1/06/2014	44
1/07/2014	47
1/08/2014	51
1/09/2014	65
1/10/2014	72
1/11/2014	82
1/12/2014	93
1/01/2015	104
1/02/2015	117
1/03/2015	114
1/04/2015	129
1/05/2015	143
1/06/2015	138
1/07/2015	141
1/08/2015	149
1/09/2015	155
1/10/2015	163
1/11/2015	169
1/12/2015	171
1/01/2016	180
1/02/2016	178
1/03/2016	186
1/04/2016	191
1/05/2016	191
1/06/2016	191
1/07/2016	190
1/08/2016	191
1/09/2016	200
1/10/2016	211
1/11/2016	218
1/12/2016	229

Which gave me three years.


I then added the following two calcualated columns to my table


Month = FORMAT('Table9'[Date],"MMMM")

MonthID = INT(FORMAT('Table9'[Date],"MM"))

The MonthID is just there to help sort the [Month] column in order.  The table now looks like this




I can then make Matrix and Line visuals as follows



To learn more about DAX visit :

Proud to be a Datanaut!

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