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Custom Visuals Ideas will be in read-only beginning Friday, Feb. 28 as we prepare to move these ideas to the new Fabric Ideas.

IMPORTANT: Please Help Change Funnel Plot MINPoints from '10' to '2'

To the Custom Visuals team:

Please help.  A user Daniel identified that there is a minimum number of data points when creating Funnel Plots (he sent me a script on GitHub site containing this "minPoints = 10"

I need to create funnel plots by Region & Kaiser Permenente only has 8 total regions.  And one of my reports only has 4 of those regions.  So this minumum needs to set lower to '2'.  My department does reporting for many doctors & clients throughout all of Kaiser's Regions, so this is of great importance.  

What are our options to have this resolved?

Could you push a new Funnel Plot Custom Visual to the MarketPlace?

Can we make changes in our files?  If so, which file in which folder?

My colleagues & I have R Open Source saved here:  C:\Program Files\R\R-3.6.1

Please also call if you can to discuss our options.

Thank you!



Status: New