Enable drill through on Custom Visuals

Like on standard visuals it would be much apprceciated to be able to drill through to an other page from a Custom Visual.


Thanks in advance,



Delivered Ranin (Microsoft Employee) responded

As of API 2.2 context menu and drill through features are supported.

With drill through report authors can create a page in their report that focuses on a specific entry. By right-clicking on a data point in other report pages they can drill through to the focuses page to get details that are filtered to that specific context.


Please check our latest blog:


Community Champion
Status changed to: Accepted

The Drill Through feature is on backlog.

We'll update once it's implemented.


Ignat Vilesov,

Software Engineer


Microsoft Power BI Custom Visuals


Microsoft Employee
Status changed to: Delivered

As of API 2.2 context menu and drill through features are supported.

With drill through report authors can create a page in their report that focuses on a specific entry. By right-clicking on a data point in other report pages they can drill through to the focuses page to get details that are filtered to that specific context.


Please check our latest blog:
