Enable Download pbix file for Incremental Refresh Datasets

We have a Limitation that Datasets with incremental refresh can't be downloaded to a .pbix file.

Due to which incremental refreshed datasets and connected reports are also not being able to download from Power BI Service. 

Due to which a lot of the users are not being able to download the report and work on it as per their needs.


Please enable the Enable Download pbix file for Incremental Refresh Datasets or atleast the Reports alone connected to the Incremental refresh Datasets.

Frequent Visitor

This is a frustrating issue. I can understand the Dataset not being downloadable for incrementals but PBIX files that just connect to them should be downloadable.

Advocate I

Agreed. This is absurd.


Requirement: Make PBI files with incremental refresh downloadable.

Solution: Download as template. This removes all data.

Advocate II

I have seen claims, that this limitation is due to, the PBIX files generally being too large to download. Well my pbix is very small as I use incremental refresh to create a snapshot of the data. Why not, at the very least, allow for smaller PBIX files to be downloaded, regardless of whether incremental is used?  

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Not applicable

This absolutely needs to be addressed, especially in light of there not being version control within Power BI. For developers to know they're working from the most current copy, especially across orgs with many report developers, the best way to make sure of this is to download the copy from the service. Anything that disables that functionality is potentially a major issue. 

Regular Visitor

Please just let me download my .pbixs which doesn't contain any of its "own" data because it has a live connection to a discrete pbi dataset.... Please?

Regular Visitor

This is absolutely mandatory