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Custom Visuals Ideas will be in read-only beginning Friday, Feb. 28 as we prepare to move these ideas to the new Fabric Ideas.

Deployment pipelines can deploy the dynamic connection report with multi worskspace in stages

Hi to all,
my idea is to choose between deploy a report with his dataset and a report connected dynamical to the dataset.
Cause for a company that have 100 workspaces and 20 Apps is a better choice to have a workspace dedicated to the Data (dataflow, dataset ecc) and a workspace for the APP with all report with dynamic con. (2+ Apps can have the same report but need to have the same dataset)
Than if will be possibile to choose more than one workspace for deploy will be perfect, so a report can be deploy to all workspace where his dynamic conn. copy is presented.
This idea could make easy the time of maintenance and edit of a single report.

Step of edit now:
1- Download the report with the dataset
2- Modify the report and his dataset
3- Publish to his workspace
4- Download the report with Dynamic Conn.
5- Publish to all workspaces where it is used 

Step of edit then:
1- Download the report with the dataset
2- Modify the report and his dataset
3- Publish to his workspace
4- Press Deploy

Status: New