Allow PBI Admins to view user's Personal Bookmarks

Currently, there is no way for a PowerBI Admin to see:


1. Are users creating personal bookmarks?

2. What content are they bookmarking?


Please give visibility to admins, either through the Audit Log ( or the PowerBI API.


New Member

This is a must feature. Without visibility how admin will be able to monitor, in case of issues.

Advocate II

Agree this is a must feature. I work for a >100,000 employee global company and we have zero insight into use of personal bookmarks.

Resolver I

Totally agree. We updated a report with a locked filter, but through the use of a personal bookmark saved before the update, a user was able to get around it.

Regular Visitor


Are there any news about this potential feature ?


As a matter of fact, we have the same problem as @dzav and we sould like to avoid removing everyone's personal bookmark just because we want to add one filter with a lock.


Thank you in advance for a solution.