If you are a Power BI Pro user and looking for some support from Microsoft Power BI support team, raise a ticket.
- Go to http://support.powerbi.com
- Scroll towards the bottom of this Page. Under Still having issues, click CREATE SUPPORT TICKET.
Note: Pro Users get free support.
- Once you click on it, you will be re-directed to https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/support/pro/
- You can search for the issue. If the issue is already listed, it will display. It will also give you an option to SUBMIT A TICKET
- Click on CONTINUE TO SUPPORT TICKET. You will be redirected to https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/support/pro/ticket/
Once you submit the ticket, you will get an email from support@mail.support.microsoft.com. Someone from the Microsoft support team will contact you.